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28mm Vargr?

Ugggg! That's like Lucy pulling away the football when Charlie Brown is trying to kick it.

I guess the 3d printable Vargr are going with the 3d printed Type S Kickstarter as Character Stretch Goals.

Try this for Vargr.

Try this for the Aslan.

Also, do you have an AdBlock on? I'm getting ads for the miniatures above the articles. Here are some I'm seeing:

Aslan Military

Aslan Civilians - these look 3d printed
OK then, if I do make the jump I have place to start.

I was looking at figures for 5 parsecs from Home and related games. The truth is I can do all those games in 15mm with figures I already have. But with the boy being enthused with 40k and the afore mentioned games the itch strikes.