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Assassination com lag


This whole com-lag discussion has piqued my interest, and is germane to my CT campaign in the Storr sector.

And now... a tangential question; What form would the SC's policy take, toward Imperial citizens inside the Confederation?

1. "I guess we're at war. Wanna get a beer?"
2. "Sir/Madam, I'm gonna have to ask you not to leave town."
3. "I'm with SolSec, and I have a few questions for you. Let me get my thumb
screws out and we can begin."

I realize that a significant amount of conjecture is involved, but I think I've covered the gambit, short of internment.
It would probably vary from member world to member world, and even different areas of the member worlds.

I could list many current examples of real-world politics where cities have stated they will not follow directions from their central governments on some matters, or point out other areas where kidnapping is illegal but gangs do it on an almost industrial scale.
I sort of figure that the Imperial areas in the Solomani Sphere are probably going to revolt as soon as the major Imperium forces head back to the main part of the Imperium to join whatever contender to the throne that they desire. Once the main fleets are gone, and the ground forces stripped down to the bone, the Solomani Confederation starts picking off planets.

As for The New Era, I just do not see the Solomani area affected that much. They are not dependent on the Imperium, and they might easily start to move in on what is left to grab. The whole idea of the entire area of Known Space taken out by the Civil War breaks down in the Solomani Rim.
This whole com-lag discussion has piqued my interest, and is germane to my CT campaign in the Storr sector.

And now... a tangential question; What form would the SC's policy take, toward Imperial citizens inside the Confederation?

1. "I guess we're at war. Wanna get a beer?"
2. "Sir/Madam, I'm gonna have to ask you not to leave town."
3. "I'm with SolSec, and I have a few questions for you. Let me get my thumb
screws out and we can begin."

I realize that a significant amount of conjecture is involved, but I think I've covered the gambit, short of internment.

I guess there will be different actions by the SC according the local conditions.

In some places, as Timerover51 explains, the planetary population itself would rebel against the Imperium and the Solomani are seen as liberators, and no aggresie actions must be conducted by them to keep it.

In other places (as the Vegan Autonomous District, resistence is heavy against the Solomani, out fo fear of human supremacist policies, and, once ocuppied, the Solsec (and the Solomani military) must make every effort to mop up guerrillas and oher resistence.

I expect most non-vegan high-pop worlds to have mixed reactions, and the Solomani forces having to mop up resistence, but with a greater or lesser degree of collaboration by the planetary own forces. The farther they are from Terra (an closer to Imperial border), the more resistence the SOlomani are likely to find.

In the case of Old Expenses al large (individual planets situation may vary), as they directly surrundered without a fight once its main Imperial Fleet was withdrawn to fight Dulinor, I expect the Solomany to reward them with lighter hand policies, and the population responidng in kind, trying to live as pacefully as they can in hte situation.

All in all, good adventure material, IMHO too little exploited by MT suplements...
Inside the Confederation, as soon as Secret Word gets to SolSec, the important Imperial citizens grow a tail, find bugs in their room, &c. When Public Word reaches each world, anybody who did not notice the earlier signs gets a surprise as the local constabulatory puts a dent in their plans - especially plans to return to the Imperium.

I could see the Confederation Navy trying to sweep up all those Imperial-owned Adventurer-Class Ships "for the duration of the emergency" - while any would-be Mercenary groups might be handed a contract and told to sign it, no questions asked or answers given, so as to avoid any more bother. They get to do garrison duty on some backwater SC world a ways off to rimward.