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Cowperson Up!

My kids adventure for T-4 is going to be in three parts. Part one has the players helping out ranchers on a Agricultural world get their cattle rounded up for transport to the space port.Part one is the round up the players will be going into the high country rounding up cattle, facing dangerous animals, rustlers and con persons.
In part two they get to face off with sheep herders who believe the cattle owners are responsible for killing off their fellow shepherds and stealing their sheep can they make peace between the two groups? and who is really behind all this?
Part three all is revealed as the players arrive with the herd at the star port a militant group of K'Kree attack to eliminate the meat-eaters and liberate poor herbivores being held for food.
Giddy-up! Sounds like a fun mini-campaign.

(unfortunately, if we played something like this I'm not sure whose side my eldest son would be on; I raise beef cattle, and he is a vegetarian...)
Wow! That is a great adventure seed! I for one, would love to see more details of what your doing!
And those vengeful K'Kree will be having the time of their lives until one of them looks in the freezer at the New Foods Development Laboratory.
We have played out the first ark of cowperson up! I made one tactical error I left my book open to a K'Kree picture and the boy's little sister thought "ooh, ponies" not a bad thing as I now have a idea for part two.
Thats a great idea for my MgT game.The ship is from Sorel/Glisten/Spinward Marches.I run it a little like Firefly or Cowboy Bebopn that it mostly takes place on Sorel or at least in System(some jumps to Glisten:devil:)Its TL 2 world w/ some TL 12 items.Rn them through Keep On the Boarderlands already,This would be a great idea to run them through.No K'Kree though.;) Got an idea on that.
Old Keep.1980's Basic D&D.A group of Bandits & Pirates use the Cave as a hideout/Base.The PC's were shocked when vargr pirates came after them :devil: Woulld like to find a copy of the new version,sounds cool.