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Guidelines, not rules, about TL and Depots and XBoat Routes and Culture


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Certain features on a sector map are potential indicators of the culture of an empire.

Depots. I think Depots indicate a culture of development over research. Of course it also indicates that an empire may have significant enemies, or, barring that, significant paranoia, or perhaps a despotic government.

Xboat Routes. Similarly, Xboat routes by default imply a culture of communication and trade. But those are only indications. An empire may only have clear communication lines without clear major trade routes. Or, alternately, it may have clear major trade routes but non-defined communication routes. So Xboat routes only give hints about the culture.

Research Stations. As Condottiere mentions, Research Stations indicate at least some degree of interest in research - but it doesn't appear to be as strong an indicator as the presence or absence of a Depot.

I was thinking about whether or not the Republic of Regina should have a Depot - I assumed it could, and maybe it should. It then occurred to me that maybe it depends on whether it is threatened by neighbors. Without significant military threats, perhaps its technology is boosted because military spending could emphasize research over a Depot-strength navy.

Consider Darrian. How could such a "tiny" empire achieve TL16, and even borderline TL17? Obviously their culture encouraged secondary research (AM08 says as much). "Culture" would presumably include military spending. And Darrian was hardly oppressed by the Sword Worlders at the time. So: light on fleets, heavy on research.

Now consider the Imperium. You and I and everyone have boggled at its stupidly low progress in technology. Presumably, culture explains it, and the Navy is part of that culture.

Is that enough to explain Depots though? If you have enemies, you have fleets. Hence you have Depots. So maybe it's as simple as that. No enemies = no need for Depots. You still have naval bases, after all.

But I want to tie up the Darrians and the Republic and their cultures of technology, so I consider Depots to be a potential indicator of a divide between research and development.
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A depot, at least in the real world, is used for long term or high volume storage and to have a central location for distribution. It can also be a transportation hub, like a bus or train depot. It doesn't always have to have a combative meaning.
everyone have boggled at its stupidly low progress in technology.

actually it might be fairly rapid. consider. how long does it take to educate a person to tech level 3? 6? 9? at our level we are being told that without a college degree one cannot participate in modern society at potential, and we observe that it takes many years of post-graduate education to participate in leading edge research. consider, for example, computer processor development. we say that "we" can do this, but in reality it's only a few thousand people in a handful of locations that can even begin to design and build modern chips, much less research the next generation processors (whatever those might turn out to be - remember bubble computing?). and consider all our kids walking around staring into their ipads, to the point that in some locations traffic directions are put on the sidewalk so they don't have to look up - not only is tech development slow and limited to very thin portions of society, it has consequences that must be absorbed before the next step can be taken.

in addition, consider china. invented gunpowder, did nothing with it. invented printing, did nothing with it. invented fully capable ocean-going ships, did nothing with them. now look at 'em. perhaps tech advancements are incremental - or perhaps even epochal - rather than gradual.
actually it might be fairly rapid. consider. how long does it take to educate a person to tech level 3? 6? 9? at our level we are being told that without a college degree one cannot participate in modern society at potential, and we observe that it takes many years of post-graduate education to participate in leading edge research. consider, for example, computer processor development. we say that "we" can do this, but in reality it's only a few thousand people in a handful of locations that can even begin to design and build modern chips, much less research the next generation processors (whatever those might turn out to be - remember bubble computing?). and consider all our kids walking around staring into their ipads, to the point that in some locations traffic directions are put on the sidewalk so they don't have to look up - not only is tech development slow and limited to very thin portions of society, it has consequences that must be absorbed before the next step can be taken.

in addition, consider china. invented gunpowder, did nothing with it. invented printing, did nothing with it. invented fully capable ocean-going ships, did nothing with them. now look at 'em. perhaps tech advancements are incremental - or perhaps even epochal - rather than gradual.

Careful, next thing you know you'll be arguing TL in the CT forum and thinking about the link between EDU and TL.

And TL increase is not a system but people within a system and a set base of knowledge, resources and desire to advance. So one should not consider it to be systemic and predictable, although elements to success along those lines may or may not be identified in hindsight.
Have you changed the definition of depot?

A depot in CT is a whole system dedicated to the whole fleet. Note not a fleet, the whole fleet. Not a few squadrons of capitals and their support, the fleet assets of an entire sector.

For Regina to have a depot the Regina system becomes the depot.

Note that in CT the SM never warranted a depot system, that or the Impies were worried it would be too easy a target for a Zho first strike. Another possibility could be a treay between the Imperium and the Zho, neither side builds a depot system within a sector of each other.