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General How does maneuver drive propel?

That does raise the question.

Exactly how do deep space drives work, assuming it's an off shoot of ye gravitational motor?
When the reactionless "only need EPs" maneuvering power becomes unavailable ... you can always fall back on reaction maneuver drive power (also known as HEPlaR, nowadays).
already answered. Gravity M Drive
They work by taking Energy Points made by the Power Plant and turnung them into Gs, just like the tables in the rule books say they do. Maybe they're Power Points instead of Energy Points, depending on what rule set you're using. Same idea though -- it works. Why? Rules say so, that's why. Ooh, look over there -- a Xeno-Squirrel!
If you can induce a black hole, the spacecraft would be independent of other gravity wells.

Possibly, the inverse of inertial compensation.
I think the Alan Dean Foster Flinx series projected a black hole in front of the ship to fall into. It has been a few years since I read that series (and he's probably added more since I last checked)
You'd need to project it in front of the spacecraft.

Speaking of pulling yourself up with your bootstraps, you could have a tractor beam five hundred tonne bay placed in front of the spacecraft primary hull, and use that to pull the spacecraft.
Yup, I neglected to go back and include 𝛾 in the relativistic calculation

Well the energy output of a LBB2 power plant can be rated however you want, so yes, the scout ship produces 1,000TW.
which will have at least 100GW waste heat, and probably more like 9,000TW waste heat.

If we give the plant the power to make the Ve reasonable, we wind up with Hw in levels that fry everyone aboard.

Thermodynamics is a nasty master.
And probably weaponizeable. Would do interesting things to game balance....
Any advanced maneuvering drive is inherently a weapon. Repeatedly stated by Isaac Arthur (Physicist, EoD survivor, and youtube/nebula creative)

I seem to recall Winchell Chung also making similar sentiments, and Isaac has quoth Winchell a number of times and referred to Winchell's ProjectRho.com.

Doug Berry's also mentioned it, and the late and much missed Don McKinney as well.