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Indirect fire in MegaT


How does one actually resolve indirect fire hits in MT?

I get how the task is resolved (just like any other task), but then what do you do if you succeed at the indirect fire task? What does a "hit" actually mean?

Is everyone in the targeted square automatically hit? Is this a contact hit with the full penetration and damage of the firing weapon? What about possible units in the danger space of a weapon that has one? What do I need to roll to hit them?
I guess you just follow Group Hits rule according weapon's Danger Space (PM p.72 and 73). There is a good example with fusion gun. That is for one round from one weapon.
If you are firing from more weapons, you can follow the concept of Beaten Zone described in Referee's Companion for Large-Scale combat.
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As I understant it, a hit just means the target general zone (square) is hit. From here, as pavel-k says, group hits apply.

See that in some cases, even a miss may affect the target square, as a miss scatters to a square from chich the taget one may well be in the danger zone...

I still note that the example in the PM talks about a primary target being hit, and then applying the group hits rule. So I'm left wondering if the indirect fire hits a primary target (assuming I succeed at the indirect fire task) and then also applies group hits or it is just group hits.

Second query is what is the dice roll required to hit something with group hits?
The term 'Indirect fire' means there is no LOS between firer and target. The primary/final target square receives pretty direct hit, auch :)
Roll for an indirect fire hit for primary target square and if failed roll for a scatter. The hit in that final target square has a full penetration rating. Than make the same roll for indirect fire hit for another target in Danger Space (the center is that final target square). If it hits, the penetration rating is reduced based on the distance from that final target square.
Thanks all.

My question still stands - what is the dice roll I am required to make to achieve a hit using Group Hits? (i.e. what is the target number I'm aiming to achieve?)
Thanks all.

My question still stands - what is the dice roll I am required to make to achieve a hit using Group Hits? (i.e. what is the target number I'm aiming to achieve?)

It seems you answered your question 7 years ago :)

Yes, rolling for group hit with same difficulty as for target hit is far from perfection. But I am sure Mr. Fugate brought a perfect explanation why this is a correct procedure. :)
If I would need to resolve an artillery hit, I would make all group hits as automatic success with possible additional roll to check marginal or exceptional success if needed.
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Yes, but there is a huge difference between the Striker 11+ to get a hit and Pavel's suggested auto-hit.

The whole thing seems very murky.

DGP seem to have put so much effort into describing the beaten zone area and the scatter of fire, but completely neglected to specify the basics of what you need to roll to hit a target in that beaten zone.

After all this time, I'm still in the dark how to actually resolve a simple combat like three Zhodani commandos in adjacent squares being fired at indirectly by a 8cm mortar called in by an observer.
It does indeed seem that you got the answer right 7 years ago, as noting has changed, what are you really asking about?

Thanks for the warning Cryton. I'll drop the matter and cease my involvement with this forum. Best of luck in the future.
Take it easy. It is just a 33 years old game. ;)
If you don't like the rule, change it to what you feel is more appropriate for the situation.
Take care :)