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Inspiring Traveller Crossover Fanfic

Two weeks ago I read a couple of unfinished Traveller fanfiction crossovers (and boy, were they hard to find). In the first, the heroines of "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power" respond to a very famous distress call. The second crosses "GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars" with "Stargate: SG-1" where in 2155 towards the end of the Third Interstellar War the counterpart of a mysterious artifact discovered at Barnard's Star is found in a forgotten Washington D.C. warehouse. (In this AU the events of the episode "1969" never happened so interest in the Stargate was not rekindled in the 20th century.)
  1. The adventures of the Stargate movie and series are reprised by a team of Terran Confederation OCs. They manage to kill Ra (with grenades rather than a nuke) and free Abydos as per the movie but from there both timelines go seriously AU.
  2. The SG-1 team leader is a descendant of Dr. Ernest Littlefield who never got the Stargate to work and so was not stranded on Heliopolis for 50 years.
  3. The galactic area around the Ziru Sirka and Earth (a 445 by 320 parsec zone stretching over the whole height of the local arm known as the "Death Rectangle") was forbidden to the Goa'uld by Ra due to navigation hazards (see below).
  4. Jump ships are perceived in hyperspace as slow moving "bubbles" that are very hard to detect until close. Note this speed is relative to Goa'uld ships and if they "collide" both ships are destroyed. Asgard computers are fast enough to dodge such collisions although the protocol is automatic and is rather startling when it occurs. ;)
Both stories were quite interesting although the latter was of course more gameable.
Dalton “still looking for more Traveller fanfic” Spence
Well, what I write isn't "fanfic", in that it's nominally set after the fall of the Imperium, and I don't plug in a lot of canon. However, much of the setting would fit right in with a Traveller game.