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Milieu 0 Campaign extra pages?

T. Foster

I've heard rumors that once upon a time (during my 'net-exile of 97-98) it was possible get the 'extra' 32pp of material from the Milieu 0 Campaign hardbound for free via a website or FTP or some such. Was this actually sanctioned by the authors/publisher/MWM or was it rather the sort of 'shadowy business' that we're forbidden from discussing here? If the latter, please forget I mentioned it, but if the former, is it by any chance still possible to get those pages anywhere? I was not a big fan of T4/IG (to put it mildly) but I thought Milieu 0 had some potential and that those extra pages probably increased it (though at the time I'd be damned if I was going to give IG any more of my money -- much less $1 per page of new material!).
I've heard rumors that once upon a time (during my 'net-exile of 97-98) it was possible get the 'extra' 32pp of material from the Milieu 0 Campaign hardbound for free via a website or FTP or some such. Was this actually sanctioned by the authors/publisher/MWM or was it rather the sort of 'shadowy business' that we're forbidden from discussing here? If the latter, please forget I mentioned it, but if the former, is it by any chance still possible to get those pages anywhere? I was not a big fan of T4/IG (to put it mildly) but I thought Milieu 0 had some potential and that those extra pages probably increased it (though at the time I'd be damned if I was going to give IG any more of my money -- much less $1 per page of new material!).
Extra pages? Never heard of them. I'll have to dig my copy out of the loft to see if it mentions them there. Yes, that does mean that I've not read it through :-(
Extra pages? Never heard of them. I'll have to dig my copy out of the loft to see if it mentions them there. Yes, that does mean that I've not read it through :-(
The extra pages do make the Milieu more playable but do not add too much to the product. As suggested earlier, you could just go with the softcover version (sans First Survey) and be fine using that as a base for a M:0.

The only other product that you would need may be the adventures that were originally from BITS. A Long Way Home & Gateway. While very hokey in parts some are quite a good adventure romp, especially The Long Way Home, plus having the added bonus of Ancient transporters.
The extra pages do make the Milieu more playable but do not add too much to the product. As suggested earlier, you could just go with the softcover version (sans First Survey) and be fine using that as a base for a M:0.

The only other product that you would need may be the adventures that were originally from BITS. A Long Way Home & Gateway. While very hokey in parts some are quite a good adventure romp, especially The Long Way Home, plus having the added bonus of Ancient transporters.