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Pirates of the Glimmerdrift


SOC-14 1K
This is one of the write ups I use for games. Yes, I do stuff on the 'wrong side' of the 3rd Imperium... This one is taken from canon about the Granicus system being "Pirate's paradise."

Pirates of the Glimmerdrift (approx. date 1100)

The trailing edge of the Glimmer rift, or Glimmerdrift as it is more commonly called, has become a haven for pirates and criminal organizations. The relative isolation of this section of space from the Imperium makes it ideal for such groups to have their bases and be safe from reprisal. Adding to the safety for such criminal groups is the coreward Grand Duchy of Stoner, the “Hermit Kingdom” of anti-Imperials. To rimward the Maskai form another roadblock to entry.
The Federation of Heron is little more than a loose group of cooperating criminal syndicates, cabals, and crews that banded together to become a semi-legitimate government. With no strong government in most systems, criminal organizations control the systems in the region.
The whole Even sub-sector can be considered an area of rampant piracy and criminal organizations. Many of the systems are completely lawless. Others have some degree of local rule that prevents complete anarchy. Every system in the sub-sector should be treated with caution, and even considered an amber zone.
Many of these systems are also aligned with the Ral Rantha, who themselves are largely a criminal empire.
Systems included in this description are:
Sardis 0521 A667553-E Lawless. Drug cartels.
Novae 0522 A686796-9 Syndicate. Specialized in starship chop shopping
Thermon 0623 B888755-6 Syndicate smuggling
Chilok 0424 C426512-A Lawless
Merbizinkhi 0327 B566340-B Syndicate. Smuggling. Stronghold. Fortified system.
Illum 0726 C595876-5 Syndicate
Asher 0729 D76A586-4 Hide out for wanted and criminals
Granicus 0520 D435589-7 (canon)
Modoc 0919 E65A303-5 “Wild West” oligarchy
Ember 1018 C989212-7 Syndicate
Lagu 1219 E100100-8 Anarchy
Shinan 1319 C422574-A Syndicate
Uukishku 1420 B100576-B Syndicates. Run starship chop shops.
Gadir Murgis 0126 A584630-A Lawless, smuggling.

Many adjoining systems that are not syndicate or criminal have zero tolerance for lawlessness. These often have oppressive law enforcement and very strict requirements for starships entering their space. These include:
Fiedler 1022
Neruda 1023
Hays 3222
Sheridan 0324
Khamkhabu 0329
Asla 0827
Haida 0519

Heron itself is neutral ground for criminal and syndicate groups. It is their diplomatic meeting location where issues between them are resolved with or without violence, usually the later.
The pirate crews usually operate outside their own, or rival systems up to about a sub-sector in distance. Any ship entering any of these systems could be subject to piracy attempts.
What would draw legitimate merchants to a pirate haven?

I really like the idea, but I'm wondering what kind of super treasure would attract legit traders and merchants? Anagethics? It's hard to be a pirate if all of the other ships in the region are also pirates. Maybe it's not so much "piracy" as extortion? Surely you need to hire a local "escort"

I'm working a new MTU in Glimmerdrift so I like the ideas. What is considered "canon" Granicus 0520 D435589-7 (canon) for Glimmerdrift?

"starship chop shops" +1
Haha! I converted Drinax to the Glimmerdrift as well! Haven't run it yet but its about 50% laid out. I'm running it in 992 when is yours? EDIT: Ah I see 1100. Take a look at 992... lots of strange mercenary moves.

There is just so much going on in Glimmerdrift not to do it. It's perfect for the 'Drinax plot'.

I was enjoying myself so much that I hit pause at one point and started 'drinaxing' Crucis Margin which is also a really tense place.

I highly recommend you look at the Excel sheet for Drinax in Software Solutions. I converted it to the Ley Domain if you want a copy.
I really like the idea, but I'm wondering what kind of super treasure would attract legit traders and merchants? Anagethics? It's hard to be a pirate if all of the other ships in the region are also pirates. Maybe it's not so much "piracy" as extortion? Surely you need to hire a local "escort"

I'm working a new MTU in Glimmerdrift so I like the ideas. What is considered "canon" Granicus 0520 D435589-7 (canon) for Glimmerdrift?

"starship chop shops" +1

It isn't that there's any local "treasure" to be had but rather that these systems are bases for criminal enterprises that operate elsewhere. The ones that deal in drugs manufacture or grow these locally then export them elsewhere much like drug cartels do today.
The chop shops for starships wouldn't be too picky about where they came from. For example a captain that skips on his loan hands over the ship to one of these for a good sum and then declares that the ship was taken by piracy and lost wanting insurance to pay off the loan. He walks away with a hefty profit.
Or, pirates who take a ship they have no use for deliver it to one for scrapping and get the value for that.

Smugglers would move goods like the drugs and resulting chopped ships to market through their contacts acting as middlemen.

The various criminal bosses and enterprises have tenuous deals between themselves as to territory and what they do while not allowing a lot of these criminal activities locally. That is, you don't practice piracy of ships on rival groups but instead take it elsewhere against those that aren't part of these activities.

Thus, there is no real need for legitimate trade into or out of these systems, or there are known, specific, traders that bring in the necessary stuff while hauling out legitimate and ill-legitimate cargo. The smuggling groups could be part of that. That is, they operate as semi-legitimate companies that are known locally and not subject to piracy because they're part of the whole criminal enterprise.

I just read the Pirates of Drinax intro and now this makes more sense. Thanks for the great ideas and also for getting me to look at Drinax for even more ideas. I may never get this puppy off the launch pad.
A bit late... but I've done some of the heavy lifting for you. I worked on a 'version' of Drinax for Glimmerdrift for awhile off and on. Its set in 993 (Gateway to Destiny) but I modded some Excel tools and such that may be of use to you. Send me a PM and I'll fill you in.