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Scoundrels of Brixton

I've read the Scoundrels review over at The Gaming Gang by Jeff McAleer. They've done a decent job in describing the game add ons that constitute Scoundrels game and the Brixton system. However, I would take issue with their comment that "one or the other essentially" because "much of the content [in Scoundrels of Brixton] is found in Scoundrels" meaning you could buy just Scoundrels OR Scoundrels of Brixton, but you don't need both. He's right that there is SOME overlap, but this is in the nature of some of the background (eg: mainly the gangs and characters in and around those gangs) but this is fairly minor in my view and essentially they are different products. So for me the 3 books complement each other rather than replace each other. So yes, they will work alone, but work much better as a set. I've taken issue with this seemingly small issue simply because I think Scoundrels, as a set, is one of the most engaging and innovative Cepheus Engine focused toolbox I've seen in a long time. So I want it to succeed. Go check it out for yourselves and see what you think - Tim