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The Great Game - 2010 to 2300


Hello folks! I'm running a "Great Game" akin to the one used to create the 2300 AD universe, starting in 2010, and lasting until at least 2300. I'm curious to know if anyone would be interested in joining such a game. You can play as any major country on Earth not taken by another player, which has been preliminarily defined as anyone in the G20, as well as Iran and Israel.

We currently have 12 players, playing Russia, China, India, Brazil, the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Indonesia, and Japan. Europe still has a bit of space left (Turkey, Ukraine, maybe Italy), and Africa and the Middle East are wide open (Egypt, South Africa, Iran, maybe Iraq or Israel). South Korea is on the outside end of playable, but is possible. PM me, Luke Wethington, or email me at wethington1 (at) yahoo (dot) com. As long as the subject header contains the words "Great Game," you'll bypass the overzealous Yahoo spam filter. You can visit the website too, https://sites.google.com/site/2300adgame/

Edit 1/28/11: Updated taken countries
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I'm certainly interested, and I've played similar games before.

tried to mail you, but I'm not sure if that worked.
I suspect the insane spam filter Yahoo has is responsible for that. Try resending, but with the words "Great Game" in the subject header. Theoretically my filter should override the spam filter.
Our good ole game is still alive! We've only managed to get one turn done, and half the rules are being written on the fly, but we're quite active. 10 players so far. Spots open include Turkey, Egypt, South Africa, Argentina, and Japan. On the outside of playability includes Canada, Mexico, and Ukraine. Those last ones are nearly puppets of the relevant nearby neighbor.
12 players and going up, folks! We've only managed to get one turn done, so its still very close to current. Next turn is 2015 - 2020.
I also wonder that. There are no more news since jan 31th.

For what I've seen, it seems to work by impulses: periods of frenethic activity followed by lulls when nothing is done.

I guess the referee and players have someting to do in their real lives than cause those impulse-like working...
>For what I've seen, it seems to work by impulses: periods of frenethic activity followed by lulls when nothing is done.

I hope thats true
I also wonder that. There are no more news since jan 31th.

For what I've seen, it seems to work by impulses: periods of frenethic activity followed by lulls when nothing is done.

I guess the referee and players have someting to do in their real lives than cause those impulse-like working...

Impuses is one way of defining it. You're quite right in that real life stuff has been cropping up. I'm going through my final year at university, and it's a tad hectic...

That said, this is still somehow running. I've got a rather devoted set of players, given the amount of lulls there have been.
Impuses is one way of defining it. You're quite right in that real life stuff has been cropping up. I'm going through my final year at university, and it's a tad hectic...

That said, this is still somehow running. I've got a rather devoted set of players, given the amount of lulls there have been.

Please don't take my earlier post as offense or criticism. I also tried to guess qhat the problem was.

I think all of us have a real life that too many times interferes with any play we are on...
Please don't take my earlier post as offense or criticism. I also tried to guess qhat the problem was.

I think all of us have a real life that too many times interferes with any play we are on...

No offense taken. Stuff happens, and so on.

jac said:
I'm in a position to play something that has a long time scale. Need any more players?
More players are always welcome! At the moment, the middle east is wide open, as is Central Asia, Ukraine, Australia, and South Korea. Canada and Mexico are also open, but are on the edge of unplayable. Also, our UK player appears to be AWOL. The Mid East in particular is oddly quite viable, since the protests haven't happened yet in our universe (our cutoff date was November, 2010). Take your pick of viable choices.
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Still alive, still looking for more players!

Hey everybody, the Great Game project is still on going and we still need new players! Heck, we will ALWAYS need new players! We currently have players, for Russia, China, India, the United States, Germany, Australia, the United Kingdom and Argentina. Which means that we have a a wide array of nations available; Japan, S.Korea, Brazil and France come to mind as nations most needing players. You can visit the website at, https://sites.google.com/site/2300adgame/ Our game style is very informal, the reality of 2010 is our starting point (no Twilight War), the feel of 2300AD is our goal*, you play a nation as you would a character in an classic RPG where there are lots of charts and tables but GM is omnipotent. We are just finishing the 2020-2024 turn, Pakistan has melted down (surprisingly, no nuclear war) and the world is readying for the big push into space ...if we do not all get first eaten by the surging Chinese or suffocated by the decaying environment :D

If you are interested please email our GM, Andreas Traunsberger at andreas_traunsberger at yahoo dot se and be sure to include 'Great Game' in the subject header

*As chief rules architect I have tried hard to incorporate elements from things like pg94 of the Director's Guide, NAM, and several other cannon based fan made games.
Hey everybody, the Great Game project is still on going and we still need new players! Heck, we will ALWAYS need new players! We currently have players, for Russia, China, India, the United States, Germany, Australia, the United Kingdom and Argentina. Which means that we have a a wide array of nations available; Japan, S.Korea, Brazil and France come to mind as nations most needing players. You can visit the website at, https://sites.google.com/site/2300adgame/ Our game style is very informal, the reality of 2010 is our starting point (no Twilight War), the feel of 2300AD is our goal*, you play a nation as you would a character in an classic RPG where there are lots of charts and tables but GM is omnipotent. We are just finishing the 2020-2024 turn, Pakistan has melted down (surprisingly, no nuclear war) and the world is readying for the big push into space ...if we do not all get first eaten by the surging Chinese or suffocated by the decaying environment :D

If you are interested please email our GM, Andreas Traunsberger at andreas_traunsberger at yahoo dot se and be sure to include 'Great Game' in the subject header

*As chief rules architect I have tried hard to incorporate elements from things like pg94 of the Director's Guide, NAM, and several other cannon based fan made games.

What sort of rule system is used (and how come there appear to be only about two dozen countries left in the world by 2020 :)).
What sort of rule system is used

You'll find them in the homepage kmsoice gave in his post.

(and how come there appear to be only about two dozen countries left in the world by 2020 :)).

There are many more countries (only Pakistan has been whipped out in the game, and it has given birth to 3 new nations), but the ones kmsoice refered to (along Indonesia, and maybe some more) are the ones that can be played and still have some real possiblities to influence the global events
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Still, still, alive, still need more players!

Oi! We still need new players for our PBEM based around ‘The Game’ for 2300AD. Last time I posted on the FB group I got a measly one volunteer, and since then an older player had to drop out, so we are right back to the same numbers! Players take the role of modern nations as they struggle towards the stars in a 2300AD-like setting. We started at real life 2010AD and are now at 2045AD, mankind is starting to take his first steps towards settling on other planets and we need more players to help us achieve this vision. Come check out the game at https://sites.google.com/site/2300adgame/home The game is definitely still a 'work-in-progress' so it requires a lot of forbearance and personal initiative. Please email me at kelvinsoice@hotmail.com if you want to join.