• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.



SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Dear Travellers,

I've recently completed updates to Tuglikki Sector. This incorporates stellar data from Don McKinney's associates, as well as other adjustments and fixes from me. I've included data originally intended for a sector book from Mongoose, which has a relatively low priority. One of the goals I have for Tuglikki is to be a Vargr region of smaller "corsair kingdoms" with some open spaces. Another goal was to roll back the data from 1116 to 1105, for use in "Golden Era" and Galaxiad adventures.

Check it out, if you're interested. Comments and suggestions welcome of course.

The entry in the Wiki has not (yet) been updated.

Poster: https://travellermap.com/api/poster…

Map: https://travellermap.com/?x=-71.309&y=101.681&scale=22.625
I am impressed. I too want to see the text on these polities. Worlds too. I am glad that the T5SS reaches out to other Editions like Mongoose for compatibility and fun no matter what rules we use or borrow from.

From Cartography high above Roethoeegaeaegz, this is the Pakkrat.
quick thoughts:

the sector seems a bit more "open" than the Marches. been playing with the jump route feature on travellermap (great feature, by the way. love that tool) across it, it looks like J3 is vastly quicker than j2, at least for most routes. it seems possible to get around in J2, but only if your willing to make detors lasting many months compared to J3.

I'd wager that J3 (and, by extension. TL12/TL C) would be the standard for long distance travel and that TL C+ worlds would dominate the cargo trade in this sector, or for any warships or raiders intended for extended range ops or power projection.