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What is the cover art ship of Spinward Marches Campaign?


Admin Award 2022
Admin Award
There is a warship in the cover art of the Spinward Marches Campaign.
What is this ship?:confused:

I guess it is the Nolikian-class Battle Rider because that book includes Hundreds of Worlds and 154th Battle Rider Squadron.

However another ship-class possibilty exist because the book includes The Fifth Frontier War.
The cover art ship which has tow vertical tail wings is different from traveller Wiki illustration.
Presumably it's a Nolikian on the cover. It's consistent with the schematic on p37.

The illustration in the wiki is a generic battle rider from Library Data, not specifically a Nolikian.
Note the Duke of Regina emblem. I believe this is one of the Ortillery support SDBs assigned to the 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment.
There is a warship in the cover art of the Spinward Marches Campaign.
What is this ship?:confused:

Hi magmagmag!

There has been a lot of debate on this subject. Some of that is found here:

http://members.tip.net.au/~davidjw/tavspecs/best_tml/Starships - Gunboat from the SMC Cover.htm

TL;DR: Dan Roseberry created three ships that may fit:

Nudkii class 400t gunboat
Armangac class 600t patrol boat
Akhisandar class 1300t patrol cruiser

Marc Miller said he classes it as an "atmosphere" piece since the artists wasn't given much direction, but "would identify it as a SystemDefense Boat from the 4518th's Ortillery Squadron".

Thank you very much for all.
I understand it is a SDB.

By the way,
I want to make a CG model of a Battle Tender and Riders.

We can see a silhouette of a Lurenti class Battle Carrier.
However it's as same as FFW unit silhouette.
Is it correct information?

We can get a World class Battle Tender's image oand Nolikian class Battle Rider on the Wiki.

TNE Battle Rider game give us a top view of Triumph-class Battle Tender &
Gallant class Battle Rider.

What class do I make?
The ship is streamlined, has a number of large vehicle sized hatches on the rear of the hull and has the symbol of the 4518 Lift Infantry Regiment on its tail. I assume that it is a Heavy Assault Troop Transport of some sort, (similar role to the Lylvir Troop Carrier, but much bigger, faster and protected), designed to transport elements of the 4518th from it's Battle Tender to a target world. I did a version using Highguard a while back and did some floor plans for it for a game I was running. https://www.deviantart.com/badruk/art/2000t-Imperial-Marine-Troop-Carrier-plan-view-810927589 https://www.deviantart.com/badruk/art/2000t-Imperial-Marine-Troop-Carrier-A-Deck-side-810927445 https://www.deviantart.com/badruk/art/2000t-Imperial-Marine-Assault-Carrier-B-Deck-810927329 https://www.deviantart.com/badruk/art/Imperial-Marine-Assault-Carrier-C-Deck-810927154 https://www.deviantart.com/badruk/art/2000t-Imperial-Marine-Assault-Carrier-D-Deck-810926421