• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

21 June 2020 Squdron Strike: Traveller

6pm EDT (22:00 GMT) 21 June 2020- Traveller setting - scenario TBD

Sign up at https://vtt.mikezekim.com/component/jem/event/25-sunday-6pm-game

Currently registered: Brian Trotter, Michael Zebrowski

Please create an account and register for events on the Ad Astra Games Virtual Map site at https://vtt.mikezekim.com/events.
Ken Watanabe sets up the games Saturday night so that they're ready for people to play. Please register by 8 PM EDT (00:00 GMT) Saturday night. (If you miss it, there still may be an open slot from a cancellation.)

"We play at https://vtt.mikezekim.com/beta/"

"We use Discord for audio."

"1. Please download the separate Discord app from https://discord.com/download"

"(We prefer to use the actual app, because it allows screen sharing, and words cannot describe how much easier it is to teach things when you can *show on the screen* what button to push.)"

"2. Please have a headset and microphone that isn't built into your computer if at all possible. It makes the experience better for everyone else."

"3. To learn Discord's basics, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDVqruRsYtA"

"4. Please show up EARLY to do sound checks. Every single sound check slows everyone else down."

"5. Our Discord server is https://discord.gg/FfTVnc" Go to the Waiting Room for audio and #general-chat and/or #introduce-yourself for initial messaging.

If you're interested in trying something more "whoosh!-y," there's "Lucasian Rebellion" game and a Star Trek Axanar game as well. The space fighters are the teaching game because the ships are so simple--you won't learn vector movement, but you will learn how pivoting and rolling work, firing arcs in 3D, combat, etc.

6pm EDT (22:00 GMT) - Romance of the Seven Realms teaching game - learn Squadron Strike by flying space fighters in a dogfight!


Currently registered: Daniel A. Vidny, Shawn Bond

Noon EDT (16:00 GMT) - Axanar setting - scenario TBD, possibly “The Truth of Legends”


Currently registered: Michael Zebrowski, Ken Watanabe