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2320AD is Done


SOC-14 1K
QuikLinks license for Traveller and 2300AD expired yesterday, September 1, 2010. All QLI products (save, at this point, Revelation Station) have been removed from rpgnow/drivethrurpg, and most other online PDF stores.

2320AD is no longer available for purchase, from anywhere.
Sad days.

But enough of that - get to work converting it across to MgT and sell it as an alternative setting for those rules.
2320AD never made it to print, one of many conflicts I had with the publisher. It was available on PDF though.
This is a shame. I always wanted to get it, and was always waiting for it in deadtree.

Too bad I didn't think to get it in PDF (more having forgotten, or maybe "forgotten," that I could).
Any hope it will be resurrected and availabe to buy (either by PDF or dead tree)?
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Unlikely. The rights reverted to me, but I don't have a license to publish them. Of course, I am writing 2300AD for Mongoose, so there is likely to be some cross-fertilization there.
Ty for your answer, even if it is not what I hoped (but not really expected) to hear.

I'm afraid I'll never understand those legal issues as holding the rights for something but not the license to publish it (I'm not trying for someone to explain them to me, it will probably prove futile effort, just complaining about them)
Ty for your answer, even if it is not what I hoped (but not really expected) to hear.

I'm afraid I'll never understand those legal issues as holding the rights for something but not the license to publish it (I'm not trying for someone to explain them to me, it will probably prove futile effort, just complaining about them)

There's 4 kinds of IP:

Copyright - ownership of the literal text.
Trademark - ownership of distinctive terms and symbols
Patent - ownership of specific processes and/or designs of devices
Trade Secret - a secret formula, ratio, or process, usually for making something else.

Trade secret isn't widely protected, but where it is, it is registered in sealed envelopes, and when sued over, those envelopes are opened in closed court session, and the judge gets to compare.

Colin owns the copyright on 2320 now that it's lapsed from QLI.

2320 makes use of a LOT of trademarks of Far Future Enterprises, which Marc Miller owns. (Actually, Marc owns the trademarks, and does business as FFE, but that's a quibble either way.)

The only way Colin gets to publish 2320 is with Marc's permission, and the only way Marc gets to publish it is with Colin's Permission.

Which said, Colin might want to discuss with Marc letting Marc add it to the FFE catalogue...
From what I understand (as informed by Colin Dunn, the author of 2320) it is not currently available in any form. Colin says that he wrote it as a work for hire and does not have the right to publish it himself, but that he was not paid for the work, which I think would present complications for anyone else wanting to publish it. The work was done for Hunter Gordon's company that produced T20.

I don't know what effect the recent death of Hunter Gordon may have; maybe his estate will make a deal with Marc Miller and Colin Dunn to allow publication? Maybe that would be the silver lining to the dark cloud of his death for those that knew him.