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A new Great Game ?

>Have you seen the T20 rules for 2300AD ship design that Colin

yep. unfortunately Im not familiar with T20 ship rules so a lot of items fly right over my head. I will try to incorporate some of the items eg heavy lasers into my expanded NAM. Im going to identify the differences so people can ignore them at leasure

Wecan build pre-stutterwarp ships using NAM .... the initial in-system ships just need to use the MHD+thrusters rules

the only major differences between T20 and CT Bk5 are layout, computers, and calculation of allowed weapons mounts.

Of course, Magnus von Thornwood, Baron Regina, etc, etc, Requests the Pleasure and Honor of being allowed to play the great Republic of the United States of America.

He will of course serve whatever Nation he draws.

But I really like home, even though it is messed up at times, it's still mine.:D

So, I registered and everything and all the pages were blank, boo hoo, woe is me.

Seriously though, I will take what ever country and rock it, even the commies if I must..

kmsoice is in and has registered on the wiki.

I would like Russia. When I visited there in 2004 it was clearly a happening kind of place. I have never seen so much renovation and new construction work going on, nor a place that needed every bit of it. That and throw in all of the ethnic machinations (I was there when the Beslan school hostage crisis went down, you could see it in every Russian's eyes ...they were PISSED) it sounds like a fun fun fun country.
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help with ships

Im nearly finished a ship (and smallcraft) design spreadsheet for the game that merges NAM with Colin Dunn's T20 2300 PDF except for 2 problems .... hull shapes and thrusters with some extra bits

Hull shapes is probably just going to be an exercise in geometry I havent started to tackle just yet

Unfortunately I just dont understand the thruster details in the PDF but I really want to allow the variety rather than just the add-on to MHD drives from NAM
Unfortunately I just dont understand the thruster details in the PDF but I really want to allow the variety rather than just the add-on to MHD drives from NAM
Are you asking for help? Could you be more specific on what you do not understand?

So ... forgive the question oh mighty GM but why are you dealing with incorporating NAM into your Great Game? I would have thought that detailed ship design would qualify as minutia to a strategic level game like this. For a strategic level game I would have expected starship construction rules to be no more complex than something like ship type (i.e. Build an Escort: X cost, combat power Y, Build a Battleship: A cost, combat power B), it's combat power modified by Tech Lvl and maybe Crew Quality. Don't get me wrong, I would love to design each of my ships but does not it seem like you would be in danger of creating a logistical nightmare trying to figure out all the ramifications of this? Do you intend to bring in Star Cruiser and game out each and every encounter? I can think of strategic games that did incorporate complex ship design and combat (Trillion Credit Squadron, Master of Orion II, etc) but those games had things going for themselves that we do not i.e. TRC assumed you had a whole team of people to each side, MoO used computer simulation to handle all of the detail's, etc.

If you think you can handle it then go for it, I am in for the ride. I am just saying that you might want to be careful.
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>Don't get me wrong, I would love to design each of my ships ..... Do you intend to bring in Star Cruiser and game out each and every encounter?

Im only interested in cost, capacity and speed ie the basic logistics

If the players dont want to game out encounters I will decide them by fiat

Similar for the ground forces. I have rules I wrote up years ago that let you design Armed Forces and a simple combat system to use but when it comes down to it unless the affected players want to resolve it , fiat will rule
under "rules of the game" the wiki has the colony facility costs table and partial starting national data

there are also details about a dozen known star systems up in the systems area

One thing I've been considering is having the UN sponsor colonies for the minor nations using some of the taxes it levies on all countries. Of course first you guys have to get into space and then find some shirtsleeve planets and then comes the diplomatic furball to create the treaties like the canon "Melbourne accords"
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Sorry, it's been a rough week, but I have been checking it.

Will try and post if relevant or otherwise Monday or Sunday.
Time to come for me to control China...

Excellent news ! I was hoping you would join in because from your posts here you seem to have a much better understanding of China than most of us.

Please help me how the game supposed to work, though...:)

Im working on a turn sheet at the moment so you can tell me what you want to spend your budget on, diplomatic actions and moving forces in a structured way. For the most part its going to have to be fairly freeform since most rules (especially diplomacy) cant be set in concrete.

During the weekdays you email me (schutze_games@yahoo.com) Since Im in Sydney Australia I'm 15 hours ahead of America (Texas time) so dont be surprised if my replies are at say 2am your time. It also means you can grab me on yahoo chat in your evenings since thats my work time if you need to discuss anything.

Each weekend I will reply and we update the wiki site with whatever is public knowledge from everyones turn.

Once I work out the security thing properly it might be possible for you to fill in an online turn sheet but the first few turns are going to be fairly easy.
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> I could tackle Austraila or Brazil ;o)

Im hoping a Brazilian wargamer friend of mine agrees to take on Brazil but I wont here from him for a day or so

Hope you dont mind the occassional nudge from me personally (not as the referee) if you take on Australia ... since Im an Aussie

>Germany is fine.

Welcome aboard Backstab
> I could tackle Austraila or Brazil ;o)

Im hoping a Brazilian wargamer friend of mine agrees to take on Brazil but I wont here from him for a day or so

Hope you dont mind the occassional nudge from me personally (not as the referee) if you take on Australia ... since Im an Aussie

>Germany is fine.

Welcome aboard Backstab

Where in Australia are you Peter ? .... I'm down in Melbourne.