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Are You Planning to Purchase T20?

Are You Planning to Purchase T20?

  • Definately No! I have no interest in T20 or the supplementary material

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I voted yes, but my group will probably not play it. We will use it for ideas and supplimentry information. (The group is just not a d20 group.)
Since we're explaining our votes, here's mine: I voted "No, but I might change my mind once I get a chance to look at it" even though I fully expect that I WILL buy the book after having looked through it. I've just learned the hard way never to buy ANY rpg book without first previewing it at the FLGS. "Yes, but I might change my mind once I get a chance to look at it" would more accurately represent my position, but since that wasn't a choice, I went with what was closest.
I was considering purchasing it earlier, but I gave up, as I know that I would never play it anyway. However, I am looking forward the setting oriented books. In fact, I am glad that most setting information was dropped and reorganized in its own book.

Even if I am not a d20 gamer, I know several d20 players and I will recommend T20 to the them.
Since I recently emerged from a low-passage birth that I entered shortly after MegaTraveller came out (and bought most of the reprints of CT), I will be happy to purchase it as soon as I can...now if only there was a local game store...
Well I am interested in supplements as long as they can be used with CT. I do not like D20 and refuse to buy the player's handbook from WOTC.
I have to honestly say that I voted No, but I would be interested in the supplements. I've been playing Traveller since about 1979 or so, and I have seen all the changes to MegaTraveller, TNE, T4, and GURPS Traveller. When all is said and done, I prefer the original system. I know it backwards and forwards. I also know the D20 system, and frankly I do not personally feel that the systems are compatable. I have not seen the T20 rules, but gut instinct tells me that it is not the Traveller I am interested in playing.

This is my opinion, my personal feelings. I am not trying to disuade anyone from getting T20, I wish the game the best of luck. I will, however, stick to what I like.
I was very intreasted in T20 until I started reading the posts explaining how combat and armor worked. T20 seems to be nothing more than a d20 version of the ALTERNITY rules using the OTU as its setting. Since I didn't care for ALTERNITY I doubt I'll be buying T20 either. I hope it's a success however,and doesn't lose out to d20 FARSCAPE (assuming AEG ever releases it).
Originally posted by Secrect Cow Level:
I was very intreasted in T20 until I started reading the posts explaining how combat and armor worked. T20 seems to be nothing more than a d20 version of the ALTERNITY rules using the OTU as its setting. Since I didn't care for ALTERNITY I doubt I'll be buying T20 either. I hope it's a success however,and doesn't lose out to d20 FARSCAPE (assuming AEG ever releases it).
Interesting, but if it resembles Alternity that is coincidence considering I have never played Alternity before. Didn't Alternity used different types and numbers of dice for task and combat resolution? If so, I'm not sure how T20 is similar.

I voted "YES! I already have my copy on order at my FLGS."

Of course, both my FLGS owner and I are wondering if you've gone to press yet, and what the release date might really be? I think more inquiring minds would rather know the answer to this...

(BTW, I really like the new cover- I've noticed you don't hear that often.)
Originally posted by phydaux:
[Q]Yup. No doubt. Now PLAYING, well, for that you need players. That's a whole other thing...[/Q]
LOL. I know what you mean.

Honestly, I'm torn between picking Gurps Trav or T20. I like what I hear of the GURPS system cause you can totally customize your characters. Everything about them. Plus the xp and advancement are more gradual and realistic. T20 is easy to learn from the years wasted playing DnD. Buuuut most of the rules for construction are in the main manual. So that's pretty few sourcebooks to buy, maybe a $5 pdf here an there.

The worst part is I got no F2F group. Grrrrrr!

Maybe I'll buy both or neither. I'll check the moon when it comes up on the night T20's out.

Well, it is nice to see (if this poll is any indication) that the rather vocal detractors are a distict minority in reality. I was really beginning to feel discouraged for the chances of T20's prosperity given the negative posts I have seen here and RPGnet. But it appears not to be so bad after all.

Anyway, I am a simple "yes". As with other iteration of Traveller, if it turns out poorly I will not be buying follow-on products (except for TNE, which I was wise enough to avoid altogether.) But if it is good, of course I'll keep up with the supplementary material!
Well, it is nice to see (if this poll is any indication) that the rather vocal detractors are a distict minority in reality. I was really beginning to feel discouraged for the chances of T20's prosperity given the negative posts I have seen here and RPGnet. But it appears not to be so bad after all.
I think that's the Internet Effect. It is very easy for a vocal minority to dominate discussions, and I think it's easier to feel compelled to express negative opinions rather than positive ones.

As a CT fan, and a GURPS fan, I am looking forward to T20. I love the Traveller universe, and (generally) any new material makes me happy.

Another 25 years! :D
I actually posted this on one of the other lists that'd become a rant about the price of T20. I've decided I'll probably end up buying it. Hopefully I'll even get a chance to use it.

Oh yeah, and speakin of the price:

1) How many of you play video games?
2) How much do you spend per video game?
3) How long does that game last after you
beat it? (Replay value)
(Doesn't count you software pirates out there)
4) How often do you know 90% sure the game has
no or few bugs and that it plays like you
think it will?

$36.00 is 8 bucks cheaper than most new computer games and a hardback book allowing you to design adventure after adventure (i.e. replay value) keeps the value up there. Plus it's easier to convert dungeon crawlers into planet destroying fiends when it's close to a gaming system they know.

I can't wait. Literally. I've already started my campaign notes, waiting for Td20 to emerge.

I played Traveller for such a long time, and if we added up our sessions, we probably played it more than AD&D or even Shadowrun (I ran 75 sessions of that).

Most of my players here in Cleveland, haven't played Traveller before in any form. That's hard to believe, but it's true. Back in Northern Ireland, almost all the gamers I knew had played Trav or 2300 at some point. Anyone who came along post-Vampire hasn't touched it, which is a shame.

I intend to fix that with my group.

I'll end up getting at least two copies of Td20, one for me, one for the group. I did that for Spycraft and D&D3e back when it first came out.

I'm going to be at Origins- will there be a sneak peek at Td20 there?
Originally posted by Stephen Herron:
I'm going to be at Origins- will there be a sneak peek at Td20 there?
We won't be at Origins, but we will be at GenCon. However we will have a 'sneak peak' in the form of a 'lite' version posted at the website very shortly.

Cool, I look forward to seeing the lite edition. I've already pre-ordered the Big Book, so anything that keeps the momentum going would be great.

I'm going to be at Gen Con, I hope, releasing my own D20 game, but I'll not pimp my wares here. I will definately, if I get there, stop by and give you all the kudos I can muster!