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Avataris Sublimis


SOC-14 10K
This elusive creature was once exceedingly rare and only one Hunter knew the secret of it's location. A few early settlers stumbled on the lair of this beast and managed to take some trophies before the site was quarantined by Imperial order.

That order was recently lifted and the site opened to one and all for safari. I was lucky enough to be nearby when the news broke and grabbed a charter deal for my ship The Empress Poppaea. I led a group on safari and even managed to bag an Avatar for myself.

Since then many others have been making the trip to this distant world, some have made several trips, and a few of these hunters have been unsuccessful in their quest for a trophy. From talking to other hunters it seems to be a matter of the wrong equipment in the field. I have had great success with my trusty Mac 8.6mm, it seldom lets me down. Another hunter has even done it with the lighter Mac 8.1mm, and my safari charters have all had great hunts with a variety of Mac gear.

Most of the talk in the hunter's lounge seems to suggest that the more common Personal Carbine using Mass Supply LIC ammo is not always up to the task, but I understand the gamekeeper is hard at work on providing help to those who for whatever reason must use the PC and MS.

Best of luck to everyone, I am available for private charters at reasonable rates with a trophy guaranteed or passage cheerfully refunded.
Nice write up of the "Avatar trouubles". You too can pen a TNS report! (handshake etherally)My, is this post 200? Egad where soes the time fly?
Thanks Liam (virtual handshake returned) I've been enjoying your (and others) TNE reports too, keep them coming. I was in the right mood last night to do a little spontaneous spoofing and this forum seems to get ignored, glad to hear it's appreciated
though today I felt it needed just a tic of an edit ;)

If the Hunter is not disagreeable maybe others could post tales of their hunt(s) for the elusive Avataris Sublimis, successful or not, here. In character mind you, and not overboard. Try to keep it to a single post (edit if you just want to add a few words to your story) and maybe the watchers won't kick this to Random Static. Of course who am I to argue
Hexos/Spinward Marches (2828 B53406R-0) Red Zone. Key Words: Interdiction, Avataris Sublimis spotted, Xenobiologist arrested, INI investigates.
reported by Pyanfar Chanur, Clan Chanur of the BTC Hierate.

Imperial Naval Intelligence will neither confirm, nor deny they are holding the SS "Pride of Chanur" , a 400dtn Eakhu variant out of the Vanguard reaches conducting a survey for the rare Avataris Sublimis on this Red Zoned world two weeks ago. INI sources speaking off the record do acknowledge the vessel was stopped after it attempted to leave system, but no trace of the crew was aboard,and only record logs gave any clue as to what the Aslan expedition was seeking on the now devoid of human world below.
TNS news hounds may recall the 1121 Red Zone designation after a bio-weapon was utilized by an over zealous fleet of Ihatei during the "Rebellion" era, after the last known human being died off.
Spokes sophont for the clan, Pyanfar Chanur is protesting the vessel's being held for "indefinite period" by IN quarantine, and has posted a formal protest "in the interest of science" to Sector Authorities.
CINET REPORT: MUELLER/SHENK/OE 1325, C-5548BB-9 , KEY WORDS: AVATARIS SUBLIMIS FOUND, SOLEE, reported by Danya von Ulrich, MNN affiliate.X-1203

It was reported to day a week ago at Neu- Bremerhaven Sternhafen/Highport here that a Soleean Vessel of Tukera-Habsburg Lines (TKHL) bearing the Empress Seal (who did interesting tricks we're told), brought word of the rare discovery of the "Avataris Sublimis" on the small planet of Kron Prinzessin in the Solee system.
RC diplomats were stunned to discover they were not the only subsector where this strange creature was known to exist, and has in fit of pique, turned to their Hiver patrons for answers.
None have been forthcoming. M. Tandem, speaker for the Hiver Trade mission switched off his voder, and cannot be reached for comment.