• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Call for Playtesters


Traveller Card Game Dev Team
We are now ready to begin enrolling external playtesters among the Traveller community.

Familiarity with CCG/LCGs games would be convenient, but not necessary.

Please PM me and include an email address, and I'll get you our NDA and our brief intake survey!


P.S. Even if you've been kind enough to volunteer in the past, please send me a new PM. My inbox cluttered fast after announcing the card game, and I purged messages I should have kept.

Sorry about that!
Just PM'ed you, if you are still seeking playtesters, I would love to participate. I played the hell out of Jyhad years ago, and dabbled in a few other CCG's. Not sure what a LCG is, but I do enjoy board and card games, and I'll try anything once.
Thank you to all who have volunteered thus far, either in this thread, via PM, or over another board!

To anyone who has volunteered and hasn't heard back, please check your spam folder. And if there's nothing there, feel free to give me a reminder.

I would love to volunteer

I missed out on playtesting T5 by a week because my group wanted to finish a ... dungeon (shudder)

Engaged X-Boat network, PM sent