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Rules Only: Conflict resolution - social and psychological

mike wightman

SOC-14 10K
First of all credit where it is due, I recently downloaded Comae Engine - a BRP/Mythras derived rules system that produced a lightbulb moment.

Physical combat in CT is basically a series of turns, during which you seek to reduce the physical characteristics. Certain thresholds produce certain effects, which when extended to animals consist of hits to render unconscious/no longer capable of action and then further hits cause death - you have won after the first threshold with total victory after the second.

Physical combat- resolution pool is Str+Dex+End

Social conflict resolution pool is Int+Edu+Soc

Psychological conflict resolution pool (this will likely replace the stress mechanic I posted a few weeks ago) is Int+End+2D*
* there is a minimum value for this 2D roll based on race and/or age and experience.
I have used pools from m-space running solis, it is a decent mechanic that I have ported over to cepheus before.
How would you determine the damage inflicted by a specific attack?
What technologies would enhance/reduce that damage?
How would that effect be applied at a distance or are all attacks "Melee" like?
Social interactions are monitored by social groups - most attack modes are not collateral free. How do you apply damage to social webs?
Any social attack is opening oneself to both riposte by the target, riposte by the target's social group (an attack that might be serious to a vulnerable individual might have less effect if that individual has a support network in place; an attack on a character may incidentally affect friends, family, those in the same occupation, etc.) and by society as a whole...mediated by law level and media interest?

While the idea is good, the current char-gen doesn't really give a character the background needed to make a good determination of the ripples. What changes to char-gen would be needed?

Should (if using Mongoose as a basis) Interpersonal Skills be grouped (Carouse, Diplomacy, Streetwise) in the same manner as weapons skills with cross-fertilisation?

What happens if your character assassination works? In real life there can be horrendous social consequences - and the Rich tend to sue (or, given the dramatic nature of the game form, hire hitmen) if they find anything to latch on to. But INT and EDU aren't usually reduced as a result. SOC may take a dive; SAN (if used) may go.
What technologies would enhance/reduce that damage?

Mr. Collins delivers a horrible insult to Mr. Smith. Smith stands strong, smiles, reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a holoprojector.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to share a variety of memes that have proliferated over the last week concerning Mr. Collins and his recent embarassing activities..."
"... and here is a quick music video, filking a popular song as a background track to Mr Collins trying to get into his vehicle after losing his keys...."
I've had ideas about this;

instead of physical strength, dexterity and endurance, you would use mental strength, dexterity and endurance

mental strength would be knowledge
mental dexterity would be awareness
mental endurance would be will/confidence/morale
instead of fist or bullets, attacks would be made with ideas
the guy on the losing end better disengage before he loses completely
if will is down to 0, he fully accepts the ideas being lobbed at him as he has lost confidence in his own ideas

I once thought of trying social str, dex and end, for emotional conflict, but then there'd be too many stats and things and it'd be cumbersome
especially since damage from any group can carry over into the other groups
(a kick the the head damages confidence, or knowledge such as with a concussion)

social standing is used as 'reputation' which would decrease if the loss is public(?)
I've had ideas about this;

instead of physical strength, dexterity and endurance, you would use mental strength, dexterity and endurance

mental strength would be knowledge
mental dexterity would be awareness
mental endurance would be will/confidence/morale
social standing is used as 'reputation' which would decrease if the loss is public(?)
I'm pretty deep in T5 of late, so that's where my rules thinking goes.

C5 Education/Training/Instinct -> Knowledge -> Mental Strength?
C4 Int -> Mental Dexterity ?
C6 Charisma -> Mental Endurance?

To win a social brawl:
Difficult (3D) < Edu + <relevant skill>
Opposed (up to 4).
Resolves the brawl in one task.
All losers receive 2D temporary hits to C6 . The winner is unscathed.

Immediate Action:
A loser can roll Difficult (3D) < Int + <relevant skill> to produce a zinger comeback and reduce hits taken by 2D

Note : <relevant skill>> depends on the topic of the disagreement. It could be a different skill for each person involved. An argument about the quality of the ship's engines might have the Chief Engineer using Engineering skill and arguing from facts, but the other person using Persuade or Actor to have a less fact based by more dramaticly presented argument
Alright, what are the to hits weapon systems, parrying etc
I dunno
based on MT fistfight;
confrontation task to see if an attack can be made using either knowledge or awareness as the stat DM, an interpersonal skill, and any skill in the field being argued
on a success the attack can be made as if with hands for a damage of 1; pen and block mean little at this point
using appropriate skill being argued and knowledge/awareness stat dm's plus the differential from the prior confrontation task, perhaps
the first task IS the attack/defense
the second task is to see if it lands and does damage

naturally, standard MT interpersonal tasks can be done at any time on your turn as lowered stats can make success easier
reactions and certainty levels based on MT interpersonal task rules

apply damage to stats; 1d6
knowledge makes opponent question his own information
awareness makes opponent question his own logic
will makes opponent lose confidence in his position

any stat drops to 0, incur -1 to reputation perhaps
(assuming social standing is based on what others think of you)

healing as per injury rules as 'combatants' go off to research or reconsider their position, maybe even having an existential crisis / loss of confidence / lowered moral?
Rejection Vulnerability As succubi are beings of pure lust, creatures that reject their lust can metaphysically harm them. When a succubus fails a Diplomacy check to Embrace or Request, or when a creature succeeds at its save against a succubus’s mental spell or ability, the succubus takes 2d6 mental damage. For one hour after causing mental damage to a succubus in this way, a creature can deal 2d6 mental damage to the succubus with a successful Demoralize incorporating its rejection.
Social combat resolution pool - Int+Edu+Soc

Thanks to contributors to this thread I have had to rethink this already :)

So, there are two tiers of social conflict - interpersonal (arguing, debating, altering reaction score etc) and social group.


Pick which of your three characteristics you will use, opponent does the same. To succeed you must roll less than of equal to your chosen characteristic. If you both succeed then compare results with your opponent - highest dice roll wins.

DMs skills such as admin, bribery, leader, steward, referee imposed +/- based on the usual stuff (prior career, number of terms, original reaction roll, an attempt to role play the situation etc)

Loser takes 2D "damage" - note that end of social combat all damage is reset - usual rules for damage allocation, each die is allocated by the defender

Int loss represents the opponent questioning his own logic
Edu loss represents the opponent questioning his own information
Soc loss represents the opponent question his position

One characteristic reduced to 0 - you win the initial argument, sway the decision in your favour, improve reaction roll etc

Your opponent can withdraw or keep the conflict going.

Two characteristics reduced to 0 - as above but your opponent has to withdraw from the interaction.

You may now opt to continue.

All three reduced to zero - total victory , you may now opt to switch to psychological conflict.
Psychological conflict resolution pool is Int+End+2D*
* there is a minimum value for this 2D roll based on race and/or age and experience. For a human the minimum is 6, or number of terms served + rank or for careers with no rank structure terms served x1.5 round up.

A psychological conflict can arise from a social conflict pushed beyond the norm, but it can also be a result of stress, fear, old gods etc.

The "attack" can be based on a characteristic - eg someone uses Str to intimidate you or it can be a continuation of social conflict, For stress, fear etc the referee can generate the attack with 2D (or 3D choose highest 2D).

You roll against your Int or End. Highest successful roll wins.

If you lose, take 2D "damage" distributed as you wish, the damage thresholds will determine recovery. The conflict only ends when the situation changes.

Int loss represents you panicking
End loss represents you losing the will to resist
Racial loss represents potential psychosis,
Pick which of your three characteristics you will use, opponent does the same. To succeed you must roll less than of equal to your chosen characteristic. If you both succeed then compare results with your opponent - highest dice roll wins.
I like that line - I can picture the Noble and the Scientist arguing, or a scene from the movie Real Genius where the Professor (EDU 12) is having it out with the young hotshot (INT12)