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Demo Event at Kublacon


Traveller Card Game Dev Team
We will be holding demo games of the Traveller CCG at Kublacon, a gaming convention in the San Francisco Bay Area on Saturday, May 27th, at 7:00 PM.

If you're going to be in the area, come on by, try the game, maybe see sample product if we have some from the factory by then.
Good luck with this. I wish I was on your side of the world to be able to attend, but looking forward to playing the final product when it is published.
I'm running Star Realms card game Friday at noon, and a Traveller RPG that night I think at 6pm.

If you're around, come say hi!
Would love to attend, but it isn't possible.

Any chance of a Youtube posting, showing how the game works, and the cards?
We I think we ran around 10 games of Traveller over the entire weekend, with most of them during the official demo, but a few other games with interested people I happened to know or encounter.

None of the people who played identified themselves as backers, so while I can't say for sure, I don't think any of them were. I do know several of the demo attendees said they were Traveller RPG fans, and hadn't even known about the card game.

Overall the games went well. The players picked up the system easily enough, and the comments were largely positive, along with some suggestions for possible changes or alternatives. Which is always encouraging because it shows not just that they've assimilated the mechanics, but they're thinking about them.

We were using old demo decks, but we were able to show them a few images from our InDesign files. They seemed to like the icon-driven approach, though one of the players who was an old time CCGer said he tends more towards plain text.

To summarize, it seemed like a fairly common convention demo event. This was the first I'd ever held, but I'd played in my fair share. Most players reported a positive experience, a few seemed genuinely enthusiastic, and anyone who severely hated it withheld expression of the sentiment.