• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

MT Only: DGP Starship Operator's Manual Vol 1. Starship Operations

Beanstalks are one way around the issue, if YTU has this issue. IMTU the grav drives cancel out the effect of 1G so the ship merely needs a functioning maneuver drive to reach space. Another way around the issue would be to have far more worlds with High Ports. Space station in orbit around the planet with plenty of high-speed cutters able to carry ~30 dT of cargo each way. Yet a third option would be a moon base (if the world in question has a low-gravity moon) that has a mass driver system with the main planet.

WE've had threads where I show grav trucks can do the shuttle job much more cheaply.