• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Favorite nusance creature

sorry but not many folks like "fur-Ball" soup!!!
so the tribble remains a nusance creature!!!!
Its the Hairballs that get ya, ask any Aslan or Vargr! Now if ye could flame broil em???Ahh, heck, who'd want to kill such a nice cute, precious (BOOM!-Mr Wolfe shoots the poster before he succumbs to the lure of Tribble pheremones)

(Later in an autodoc, recovering fromlarge caliber wound....'Thanks Pal, that was close!')
Wolfe-"Hssssssss'awll * right. Anytime.."
Having experienced them first hand while in the Army, I'm fond of cursing PCs with chiggers and leeches. Virulent diseases are helpful, too. Accelerated forms of malaria, worms, diahrea, etc... can lend a sense of urgency, and handicap a party.
O ...wow...thats realy rotten and mean...just give the troops everthing!!!!...make em "sweat"....I like that... you will be a fine addition to the "boards"....AND your from SACTO also...another plus in your favor...ther 3 of us around here somewhere... :D ;)
Favorite nuisance creatures: trader jim clones! :D

Especially when put with Cleon the Mad clones...