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From the Adventures of Goober - ship's pet

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
Goober realized right away that his suction cups had teeth that could hurt Things. Or Animals. Or People. But not Buddy. Buddy didn't even get scratched. Goober scratched Jon accidentally one time. Jon was not happy, but he was kind enough not to be mad at Goober about it. Jon just yelled for a bit then put some spray and a wrapping around it. Goober rubbed Jon's arm later when Jon was sleeping. Goober never scratched Jon again, even though his blood was tasty. Goober thought he should eat Jon when he died, as a gesture of gratitude and good will. Goober learned to retract the teeth when he needed to, but it wasn't easy. But the teeth came in handy when Jon and Buddy put climbing posts on a bunch of places on the ship. Even though the suckers worked, the teeth helped him hold on better. And even the miniature VACC Suit that Buddy made had suckers and had pins like Goober's teeth. Goober liked having teeth on his tentacles as well as his mouth.