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How do integrated Aslans live?

It would be interesting to have a ghetto that's nicer than the rest of the city, because the Aslan have carved out these estates and parks and such.

I like that idea and will have to steal it.

The PC's are running from some gangers/thugs/police and suddenly the gangers stop dead in their tracks as if hitting a force field. After some time to get the players very worried about why the pursuers stopped, the PC's notice a 2m tall Aslan staring at them. "Oh Crap....um...whats that ritual greeting thing...um...Fleah? Fiya? And dont we have to do something with our thumbs? He doesn't look happy...".

And of course a good place to crash if they manage to earn some favours.
I'm thinking beyond the land imperative, Hans. I'm not sure Aslan could live in a ghetto among humans (specifically an urban one in a portion of a dense city - apartment living, narrow congested streets, etc.) simply by suppressing their land imperative. They would have to suppress all sorts of other cultural imperatives as well. To do that, you have to have some sort of other strong cultural imperative to override the normal ones.
"I need a place to live and I only earn enough to live in an appartment" sounds like a strong imperative to me.

And, I'm not saying it's the only way Aslan could live in a ghetto. If the ghetto were spacious (maybe with 40 acre estates mixed with more urban streets where the lower classes live), then they could live more like Aslan. It would be interesting to have a ghetto that's nicer than the rest of the city, because the Aslan have carved out these estates and parks and such.
Lycanorukke said:
I like that idea and will have to steal it.
I like it too, but I don't think it passes the realism test. Space in a city is expensive and members of the lower classes just can't afford to live in suburban-style housing.

In traditional Aslan societies the lower classes are Aslans too, which is the mainstay of my argument -- that a lot of Aslans apparently do manage to live like that.

If Aslans are incapable of living in appartments, then Aslan cities are radically different from the kind of cities we know. That's not impossible, but I wonder what has previously been established on that score? There was an adventure in a TD that was set on Kuzu itself, but I can't recall if it said or implied anything about Aslan cities.

Be that as it may, if Aslans are incapable of living in appartments, either there are no Aslans who are members of the lower classes on Regina (which seems rather unlikely) or the Aslan lower classes all live in the countryside. They couldn't afford to live in suburban-style housing, especially not suburban-style housing in the city itself.

Note that Aslans are capable of functioning in starships with no more space allocated than humans.
"Oh, you want to go all the way crosstown? You'll have to go through the really bad part of town, here. Why not through that part? Well, because it's Aslan. It's the safest route - beautiful, too - but they don't really dig outsiders, know what I mean? I'd rather walk through the bad part of town than face one of them. You'll take your chances? Alright, but I ain't paying for your funeral. Good luck."

That sounds like traditional Aslans living in segregated communities, not integrated Aslans. Though I admit there's room for interpretation of just how isolated a segregate population would be (Especially since the whole 'X:n notations indicated segregated populations' idea is entirely my own notion). I suppose people living in ghettos could count as integrated if they interact fairly freely with neighboring districts; have work and leisure activities outside the ghetto, for example.

If Aslans are incapable of living in appartments, then Aslan cities are radically different from the kind of cities we know. That's not impossible, but I wonder what has previously been established on that score? There was an adventure in a TD that was set on Kuzu itself, but I can't recall if it said or implied anything about Aslan cities.

Digest #19, which brought up the whole Pathfinder and Major/Minor race thing. The only references to cities I can find is (paraphrasing)....

"Each clan has its own hyufteirlerye - the word refers to a meeting place of the people and could be translated as "city". Individual cities are identified with specific clans".
"The principal starport ..... is the closest thing Kusyu has to an international city since all the major clans and many minor ones maintain trading and mercantile houses there".

It sort of suggests that Aslan cities are rather small and widely scattered but very numerous as they are owned/resided in solely by clan members. It seems doubtful than 'one clan cities' would be bigger than a large human town/very small city- though the size of the patch of dirt they live on may be much bigger.

Rats/Cats has nothing about cities I can find.
I'm thinking beyond the land imperative, Hans. I'm not sure Aslan could live in a ghetto among humans (specifically an urban one in a portion of a dense city - apartment living, narrow congested streets, etc.) simply by suppressing their land imperative. They would have to suppress all sorts of other cultural imperatives as well. To do that, you have to have some sort of other strong cultural imperative to override the normal ones.

And, I'm not saying it's the only way Aslan could live in a ghetto. If the ghetto were spacious (maybe with 40 acre estates mixed with more urban streets where the lower classes live), then they could live more like Aslan. It would be interesting to have a ghetto that's nicer than the rest of the city, because the Aslan have carved out these estates and parks and such.

"Oh, you want to go all the way crosstown? You'll have to go through the really bad part of town, here. Why not through that part? Well, because it's Aslan. It's the safest route - beautiful, too - but they don't really dig outsiders, know what I mean? I'd rather walk through the bad part of town than face one of them. You'll take your chances? Alright, but I ain't paying for your funeral. Good luck."

A ghetto is about the ONLY way Aslan Could live in close proximity to normal imperials. In no small part, because as far as Aslan are concerned, it's the attitude that matters, not the body. Aslan is as Aslan does, not as aslan looks. Want to be accepted by Aslan? Act like one.

Much past a background skill level of tolerance and (for males) independence, anything more is going to result in being "Not Aslan"...
That sounds like traditional Aslans living in segregated communities, not integrated Aslans.

Aha! I think I see where the disconnect is coming from. I'm assuming that "integrated" means "interacts with" and generally "co-located", and so I see a ghetto as "integrated". But I see your point - if they aren't living intermingled, then they aren't "integrated". By that standard, yes, I am way out to lunch! By that standard, I don't see a large population of Aslan living "integrated" much of anywhere as a long-term population. It will be individuals, in dribs and drabs, rather than tens or hundreds of thousands or millions living in Detroit or London or Beijing.
I think there's some history that is missing that could answer that question better. Why are there so many Aslan on Regina in particular? I don't recall Aslan populations that high on every world in the Marches so there may be something unique about Regina that has attracted so many Aslan. This triggering event would explain what kind of situation the Aslan have on Regina.

If the explanation is the somewhat prosaic "they just happened to be there" I'd hazard to say that Aslan immigrated to Regina out of choice. As "cultural Aslan" who were happy being "cultural Aslan" would have never immigrated to Regina. They're likely to be middle or upper class Aslan (the poor are unlikely to have been able to trek that far) who were dissatisfied with living in culturally Aslan worlds. Some would be outcasts but many would have come to Regina out of some weird choice. Regardless of the cause, such Aslan would be predisposed to be willing to discard or at least suppress some of their culture/biology to "fit in" with the majority society.

Many Aslan probably live in predominantly Aslan neighborhoods while others live amongst other races.

It's likely that the Aslan have special laws pertaining to them (as probably do almost all non-human sophonts); I doubt that Aslan dewclaws would have be surgically removed or blunted, however an assault using them would be considered assault with a weapon. I'd say that Aslan, especially male Aslan probably have some method to "blow off steam" perhaps in the form of some sort of "arena athletics" (basically combat) where they can go to get into tumbles with other Aslan. This would allow Aslan males to blow off the frustrations of suppressing their instincts (if indeed a lot of those things are actually instinct instead of culture). They'd be community gathering places; non-participant Aslan might watch over a few beers (or whatever Aslan drink). Conversely, such combat might be popular with non-Aslan as well with teams, fans, and viewers across Regina and the "stars" having household name recognition amongst humans.

In a more radical twist, integrated Aslan might be strongly matriarchal. Since female Aslan are more likely to have skills and mindsets compatible with humans, female Aslan might make a lots of money and in human society money = power so they might have the power in Regina Aslan households. A human that holds talks with an Aslan executive might automatically assume the executive a female, so would go down to the local grooming combat place where the executive and the Aslan (presumably female) could discuss business over a meal while they watch the Aslan's husband fight in the arena, allowing the female Aslan to show off her husband's virility and fighting prowess and by extension, her own power at being able to woo such a successful mate.
I do seem to recall some fluff about them being the remains of an Honor Guard Unit from it's time as Sector Capital.
I do seem to recall some fluff about them being the remains of an Honor Guard Unit from it's time as Sector Capital.

21 million Aslans are the descendants of the remains of an Honor Guard Unit from Regina's time as sector capital? When was Regina ever sector capital[*]?

[*] Note that I'm not talking about the Rebellion Era map that shows[**] Regina as sector capital but about the time prior to 1105.
[**] IMO erroneously, but that's not relevant in this context.​

Regina is pretty far coreward for such a large number of Aslans, but I don't suppose it's altogether inconcievable. Regina's role as subsector capital and trade hub makes it more likely to attract visitors from further away than many other worlds.

If the explanation is the somewhat prosaic "they just happened to be there" I'd hazard to say that Aslan immigrated to Regina out of choice. As "cultural Aslan" who were happy being "cultural Aslan" would have never immigrated to Regina. They're likely to be middle or upper class Aslan (the poor are unlikely to have been able to trek that far) who were dissatisfied with living in culturally Aslan worlds. Some would be outcasts but many would have come to Regina out of some weird choice. Regardless of the cause, such Aslan would be predisposed to be willing to discard or at least suppress some of their culture/biology to "fit in" with the majority society.

A player in my campaign played an Aslan male. I do allow (in some circumstances) a PC to do chargen in more than one career, and this one was "special".

We were doing AM1 chargen, and he failed at Wanderer (failed survival roll in his last year of the first term). I use the "courtsmartial" option from JTAS (with modifications), and he ended up being forcibly drafted by the Navy instead of imprisoned.

He then failed another survival roll the last year of his first term there, and deserted (stealing a small cargo ship with a 30dt fighter inside).

From there he ended up as a Pirate (giving up the cargo ship in order to "enlist", but keeping the fighter), but (you guessed it) failed survival in the 2nd year of his first term, with a result of mutiny. We decided he was one of the mutineers, and it was successful

From there he decided "the Aslan Way" was not for him, and ran to the Terran Confederation (this is in the prolonged Terran-Vilani Conflict period, which replaces the 2nd Imperium period in my TU).

Since he had yet to complete a single full term, I allowed him to enlist in the TCN (using Book 5)... where he spent 3 full terms as a fighter pilot (mostly with "special duty" units, thanks to his personal Aslan 30dt fighter), retiring highly-decorated with the rank of 05!

It seems he was much more at home aboard Human military spaceships than with other Aslan!

It's likely that the Aslan have special laws pertaining to them (as probably do almost all non-human sophonts); I doubt that Aslan dewclaws would have be surgically removed or blunted, however an assault using them would be considered assault with a weapon. I'd say that Aslan, especially male Aslan probably have some method to "blow off steam" perhaps in the form of some sort of "arena athletics" (basically combat) where they can go to get into tumbles with other Aslan. This would allow Aslan males to blow off the frustrations of suppressing their instincts (if indeed a lot of those things are actually instinct instead of culture). They'd be community gathering places; non-participant Aslan might watch over a few beers (or whatever Aslan drink). Conversely, such combat might be popular with non-Aslan as well with teams, fans, and viewers across Regina and the "stars" having household name recognition amongst humans.

In a more radical twist, integrated Aslan might be strongly matriarchal. Since female Aslan are more likely to have skills and mindsets compatible with humans, female Aslan might make a lots of money and in human society money = power so they might have the power in Regina Aslan households. A human that holds talks with an Aslan executive might automatically assume the executive a female, so would go down to the local grooming combat place where the executive and the Aslan (presumably female) could discuss business over a meal while they watch the Aslan's husband fight in the arena, allowing the female Aslan to show off her husband's virility and fighting prowess and by extension, her own power at being able to woo such a successful mate.

First rule of Furball Fight Club is... NO CATNIP!! :D

Aslan Mixed Martial Arts Leagues!
Been re-reading the thread and most of the discussion, even my post, revolves around the MALE and his drives, if we now include the female and drives. An Aslan family owning a large 15-20+ story tall building living in the top 5-7 floors and the male using the roof and top floor or two as 'his' lair (man cave) wile renting/selling sections of the lower floors to the lower classes of Aslan might allow to integrate and consolidate. This could give rise to the 'nice and safe' feel, but a business area that only the honest and honorable go (no PCs here :D). If the buildings were large enough each building could be like a mini-clan.

Just my Cr0.02
Asla7 Notation

Please forgive my ignorance but I am unaware of the meaning of the Asla7 notation. Would someone be willing to explain?
Please forgive my ignorance but I am unaware of the meaning of the Asla7 notation. Would someone be willing to explain?

CT supplement 3 created the original population notation.
see message 12 of this thread for the changes used now.

*edit for stupidity*
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Asla7 would indicate that Aslans would have a pop level of 7 on the planet shared with the major race who would have a greater pop number ( I would suspect 2 or 3 higher at a min as the use of the Asla7 would be an indicator of lower pop than the primary race on the planet
Unless Asla7 is a different concept than the A:7 that it replaced, the 7 indicates that between 70 and 79% of the world's population are Aslans. That could be 70% of 100 or it could be 70% of ten billion; the notation would be the same.

I like it too, but I don't think it passes the realism test. Space in a city is expensive and members of the lower classes just can't afford to live in suburban-style housing.
In traditional Aslan societies the lower classes are Aslans too, which is the mainstay of my argument -- that a lot of Aslans apparently do manage to live like that.

True, but aren't the lowest members of Aslan clans non-Aslan? I seem to recall reading of a clan of 'alien lovers' where most of the membership was non-aslan.

If 30% of the population is aslan large numbers would have to live in the cities


True, but aren't the lowest members of Aslan clans non-Aslan?


I seem to recall reading of a clan of 'alien lovers' where most of the membership was non-aslan.
There are cultural Aslans that are not racial Aslans, but they're hardly common. And they're (supposedly) not discriminate against, since Aslans price culture above species.

If 30% of the population is aslan large numbers would have to live in the cities anyway.
On Regina it's 3%, not 30%.

"True, but aren't the lowest members of Aslan clans non-Aslan?"

Mixed bag. Non-aslan can be treated more as aslan if they follow the aslan way of society though they will never be aslan. One of the lowest classes of aslan are outcasts who failed the Rite of Passage and are now considered unclean performing tasks and using skills no 'real' aslan would do. Outlaws and pirates are in the same boat with genders learning the skills of the other.

GURPS Traveler mentions aslan who have lived in proximity of humans in human space for centuries as racially but not culturally aslan and adapt to human culture turning their backs on their old culture. True aslan consider them disgraced and worst than aliens.

So it's possible to find aslans in Imperial and Solomani spaces who behave more like humans and would use career generation systems humans use rather than a system from any of the many aslan books around.

I had a female aslan who was outcast, became a scavenger then was taken on a human pirate ship to become a very good engineer. She behaved more like a human though her language skill lacked even after a couple decades. She remembered enough of her aslan past to pass as a cultural aslan when needed otherwise she could be rough and crude.