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How do you handle psionics IYTU?


How do you handle psionics for Proto-Traveller, IYTU, ATU (or just your particular take on the OTU---not looking for a canonical answer, here, unless your answer is "'I run the OTU and stick closely to such and such sources")?

Any of these?

• A powerful, star spanning, state/common religion opposes psionics as a heresy. This differs from the OTU in one obvious respect: unifying religious organization.

• Psionics come from a sinister and hostile alien source—The Psionic Institute is either a front for the aliens or a misunderstood human faction fighting fire with fire. Maybe both, depending on whom you ask, which faction you consider.

• Psions are an “Other” group persecuted and scapegoated by a fascist or communist type gov’t

Something else?

Does anyone run an "open psionics" game, with socially acceptable--or at least tolerated- psi?
• A powerful, star spanning, state/common religion opposes psionics as a heresy. This differs from the OTU in one obvious respect: unifying religious organization.

Which is very close to how it's handled in Fading Suns, if I remember right.

Then there's the Trinity setting. Induced Psionics though nanotech, working for the government.

Babylon 5 has the Psi Corps. Judge Dredd, too, I think.
Psionics Rights!

I appear to be the minority in that my ATU has always been pro-psionic (well, there was that Empire of the Psilords which put a damper on the enthusiasm), but I am also a heretic in that my Robots can be people and citizens too.

As long as one behaves psionics are just fine and dandy, just obey the code. Otherwise, it ranges from fines to cryoprison to memory recording and personality wiping. So, be good! :devil:
Psionics is very limited in MTU, and what is there does not follow anything in the standard rules. I lean more towards the Andre Norton use of psionics, except for her Star Rangers book. However, I also have H. Beam Piper's "Veridicator" in my universe, which does make for problems with bribery, as all civil servants are routinely checked on the veridicator for illegal or questionable activities.

Things like "time guessing", animal contact (Beast Master-based), and odd talents like the Wyverns of Warlock are more of what I use.
The Menu Axiom: If you have to ask the price, you can't afford to eat here. :p

What's 'the code'?
Tsk, tsk, where exactly did you get your training? The Whateva Institute? :nonono:

Telepathy: Always "knock" before enter other minds. Cops and intel types have certain waivers or "no-knock" warrants where needed.

Teleport: Use only marked TZs (Teleport Zones) and arranged areas.

And so it goes... I will see if I got SOCCA93 uploaded to the DropBox. That was my supers law which is the basis of my Imperial Laws and the Institute Codes.

Basically, it boils down to be a decent, responsible Citizen and not a scumbag who deserves to be mind-wiped. Nice thing about empires (even constitutional one) is that it can really depend a lot on the particular usage. :smirk:

EDIT: The Original Laws which are the basis of my [T5 ATU] The Permatic Imperium's Imperial Laws and Institute Codes. The Sections you might want to jump to are Sec. 207-209, it covers telepathy, emotional coercion and such. Comments welcome.
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Which is very close to how it's handled in Fading Suns, if I remember right.

Absolutely, though psi's weren't a faction in Fading Suns, which had everyone else as part of a balanced setting.

In MTU I'm running them pretty much as close as possible to the OTU. They're there, but keep a low profile. They're recruited by some agencies in the Spinward Marches, those answerable directly to Norris would you believe.

My players have forked out though for TL15 neural nets, which are bioware grown inside their skulls. Those things, while connecting to their noggins, can also be tuned to interfere with telepathic probes and cause interference that makes mind reading problematic and uncertain. Very handy, less obvious than a psi-shield, and planned for as they're about to jump in our next session from Jewell to Chwistyoch.
I've kind of hedged my bets at times. In general, the Imperial family has always reserved the right to (quietly) have psionic retainers (often with an Imperial Warrant), and the more powerful dukes/archdukes have done the same. Similarly, their use to the various intelligence agencies can't be denied, but their use and training is buried in black budgets. There are a couple of "openly" psionic churches that keep psionic use and training on the QT, but they get away with being "spiritual" where a secular organization would get nailed to the wall.

But psions are still vilified as the "Other" by Imperial society, and the potential for Psions to accidently tap into/wake up some gawd-awful Ancient/Forerunner widget is always there and always feared.

In my Visions of Empire setting, during the days of the United Terran Republic, psionic training was a semi-secret project of CRC-32 (Committee on Reconnaissance and Counter-Reconnaissance, Section 32). CRC-32 later evolved into the Psionic Institute, officially sanctioned by the Terran Empire, a self-policing body with a code of conduct and much pomp and ritual. Many of their secrets were lost when the Empire collapsed.
I don't have psionics (spells) IMTU. Easier and neater that way.
My general opinion as well.

That said, I am giving a semi-open wide spread psionic campaign a try in The Recruitment of Jozu Goro ... the biggest change to the rules as written is that I have slowed Psionic progression down to the skill progression level.
So it takes about 3 terms to reach Telpathy-3 (rather than 3 months and 3 lucky rolls).
Psionics in MTU:

psionics are a remnant technology left behind by the first starfaring races from the birth era of our galaxy. Limited to STL travel several of these races developed methods for electronic personality transfer across interstellar distances, and while they never made the breakthrough to discover jump drive they did discover the multi-dimensional nature of the universe.

The machines they developed were able to access these dimensions, and over time these machines were miniaturised to be little more than atomic scale devices. The final breakthrough was to hide much of the machinery in the extra dimensions, leaving the nanoscale machinery as little more than a key to unlock the potential of the machinery in otherspace.

These races died out or moved on to higher dimensional existance, but to ensure a legacy they spread vast clouds of genetic material with the psionic access keys hidden within.

Over the eons many forms of life evolved on many planets across the galaxy, some of which incorporated the psionic key into their DNA.

On a small, ordinary world a race of primitive avian/reptile sophonts produced an anomaly, a mutant of their race was able to unlock the full potential of the psionic key within and would eventually be known as Grandfather.

He was greatly interested in this universe and the extra dimensional universes, and set about developing a device that would allow easier interface between the higher dimensions and ours.
The detonation of his device didn't quite produce the effect he desired, instead of an interface with the higher dimensions the device created a field that spread at lighspeed and allowed objects from our universe to travel to the higher dimensions, where they could only remain for a limited time before being dropped back into our universe.

Grandfather discovered that ships moving through this extra dimensional space could be displaced in out universe a great distance, a distance faster than light could travel.

After a thousand years he had a jump bubble 1000 lightyears across that could be travelled using his jump drive, after 30,000 years he could explore to the heart of our galaxy.

Unfortunately after 200,000 years his field made it all the way to the Large Magellanic Cloud, where machinery left behind by one of the first starring races reacted by detonating a device of their own, a psionic wave vastly more powerful which would bring the interface between the higher dimensions, jump space and our reality into being.

Perhaps that was their long term plan...
I didn't know that. Very cool of you to try it out.
Not hating on the concept of Psionics, there is a lot of really great literature that deals with the subject ... Joan D Vinge: Psion (1982), Catspaw (1988), Dreamfall (1996) ... lots of fun.

I just find it hard to balance it out in Traveller ... the world is either so oppressive that Psions tiptoe around like long tailed cats in a room full of rocking chairs, or the Psions become little gods sweeping all opposition aside.
[I hate to need to bring out Grendel's Mother to keep the campaign interesting.]

So in general, saying "no psionics" is a lot simpler. :)
It varies; most of the time I tend towards low-end stuff, and disallow Teleportation altogether. I'm a little more lenient when running a Third Imperium game (Largely thanks to the Zhodani), of course, and even then I tend to forbid teleportation.

Most the time, though, I tend more towards either low-powered Psi or requiring something like a Psi-Amp ala System Shock 2 or X-Com. Usually both, in fact; since I've had issues in other games with psionics being heavily abused.
How psionics are handled IMTU requires a bit of background, so bear with me. I don't use a lot of the more 'out there' powers like teleportation or even pyrokinesis and so on.

I generally run psionics in a way that isn't too far from how I see the canon TU to work, just with more rules behind the scenes to explain how they work.

Psionics are not a natural thing; they were constructed. Grandfather didn't really even invent them, he adapted something he found in the records of a still more ancient race, one that was fascinated by the construction of "subspaces" - essentially manufactured alternate dimensions. They used it to "escape" the inevitable Heat Death of the universe, or rather, they rendered the Heat Death irrelevant by making subspaces where the passage of time was vastly different from "our" universe to the point where they could stretch the time between seconds to essentially infinity, making the Heat Death irrelevant as they had expanded the period between the big bang and heat death into a bounded, but infinite space.

Grandfather of course became fascinated by the creation of subspaces as well. They allowed him to expand his consciousness and perform many tasks simultaneously, far beyond the number of limbs and sensors on his "meat" body. However, even then he ran into limits, and then moved to having children and whole thing we're all familiar with in Traveller canon.

Psionics are, therefore, Grandfather's "work space" and what we think of as "psionic powers" are actually "machines" (using the term VERY loosely) which this subspace which are "attached" to the psions and actually receive instructions from the psion's brain (the rules of this subspace are different - and some kinds of radiation "resonate" within that subspace without actually crossing through). Psionics were very handy for Grandfather, allowing him to do things like seal the doorknob of a door within the door to prevent non-psions from opening the door.

Although Grandfather only granted the ability to use psionic subspace machines to his children, his children also had plans and projects of their own, and they eventually designed psionic machines for humans and Vargr to allow their "trustees" to operate Ancient facilities in their absence (and Grandfather's children were increasingly absent, something about Grandfather wanting to kill them).

To limit the use of psionics to trustees, Grandfather's children essentially made psionic machines only respond to people with certain genetic sequence. As the War wore on, the children realized they'd be away for longer and longer periods of time, and so it became too much of a bother to continually keep coming back to grant new trustees powers after the old ones died, so they scaled back the security measures to only look at some parts of the genetic code of a user, allowing many descendants of a psionic power user to use them as well. That, and the fact that one of the machines is the "copier" used to copy machines from one user to another (what modern psions think of as "learning" a power is actually the teacher copying his or her machine to the student and the student learning to use it) was seen as sufficient protection against too many psions.

Of course, the War didn't quite end the way the children of Grandfather intended. While many of these psions were killed in the war, many more survived and had children. These children are ancestors of psions in the present of the campaign.

Nobody (not even the Droyne) know about how this stuff works; you can jig up something to "see" psionic machines on someone even at TL12 -- provided you understand the theory, otherwise people will discover it around TL20. So nobody really understands how psionics have these powers but their genetics aren't different from a non-psion's. If you could see it, psionic powers are sort of like "tentacles" or "cybernetic limbs" (again using the analogies very loosely) sprouting from a person's head; a telepath literally just extends a "thought reader" machine over to the person's whose mind he or she wants to read it thrusts into the person's head (non-obtrusively in our universe) and reads the faint electrochemical traces of a person's thoughts; this presents a hard limit to the range and power of psionics, all constrained by the physics of the psionic subspace which are immutable (but different from our own).

It's also unclear to psionic researchers why psionics seem to roughly run in a family, but often many children won't be able to use powers (breeding introduces new genes which may produce the wrong combo of dna to trigger the "user database" or they might need someone else with machines that happen to open to that sequence - a pretty slim chance); this trait is referred to as paragenetic inheritance.

Because you have to think a certain way to use psionic powers (to "program" the machines), getting training when you're younger makes you a stronger psion. As you get older your brain becomes set in its way, so it becomes increasingly harder to learn to be a psion even if you could use the machines.

Pure Solomani have a vanishingly rare chance of being psionics (thus why there were never verifiable psionics on Earth) - Earth people are the ones who weren't taken after all, and thus Grandfather's children never granted them psionics. Nevertheless, with the wide variety of human varities on Earth, there's a very small chance someone might just happen to meet someone with psionic powers that can be unlocked through sheer chance of genetic inheritance. While the Zhodani have an incidence of around 35%. Other races have a very low incidence of psionics.

This low incidence (usually less than 1:10 000 people), in addition to the fact that most "potential" users never even bother seeking out training, and that you need to find a teacher with the machines that will be unlocked by your DNA make psions pretty uncommon. Psionics institutes are aware of paragenetic inheritance (since the Zhodani have figured it out) so they usually ask a someone who wants to be tested about their geneology, and try and someone who is as closely related to the candidate as possible to do the testing, failing that, institutes have multiple people test a candidate; many hopefuls spend their life savings and years of their life going from place to place trying to get tested by different teachers. The most successful psionics are trained by relatives and other family members. Most psionic institutes are run by a family or a clan. Similarly, it makes it easier to monitor and supress psionics by the Imperium for the same reason.
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