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In which Traveller settings you play?

In which Traveller settings you play?

  • Official Traveller Universe/3rd Imperium

    Votes: 132 79.0%
  • 2300AD

    Votes: 22 13.2%
  • Clement Sector

    Votes: 11 6.6%
  • Outer Veil

    Votes: 7 4.2%
  • Twilight Sector

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Reign of Discordia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Orbital/Orbital 2100

    Votes: 7 4.2%
  • Azri Drakara

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Babylon 5

    Votes: 5 3.0%
  • Other commrecial

    Votes: 11 6.6%
  • Homebrew

    Votes: 83 49.7%
  • Mindjammer

    Votes: 6 3.6%

  • Total voters


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
In which Traveller setting you play, or have played in for a significant time in the past?

I have played several OTU games but have also written my own settings, not least of which is the commercial Outer Veil published by Spica Publishing and my current "Big Project" I hope to publish very soon through Stellagama Publishing.
and what is this "big project"?
These Stars Are Ours! - a brand-new space-opera setting for 2d6 OGL games and the Cepheus Engine which will soon (fingers crossed) be published by Stellagama Publishing. We already have 70,000 or so words written (out of an estimated 80,000 words) and most of the art... We are hoping for a Christmas release, or very soon after. First in PDF, later in PoD.
I normally play in the OTU but usually outside of the CT, MT or GT eras. Usually I go for M0, the Interstellar Wars or my own non-virus post Rebellion setting.
The setting I've done the most in recently (defined as 20 years ago or less) is set around the Daibei and Reavers deep sectors as the Rule of Man is falling apart. The campaign is set around 2780AD, about 35 years after the banking crisis. Mainly I've used CT, Striker and bits of Megatraveller.
Unvisited portion of the 3I

My campaign takes place in the Verge sector.

Every year I run an adventure out of it at TravellerCon.

Getting started on the next piece this weekend.
I think Mindjammer will need adding to the poll.

I was originally interested in it to mine for ideas for my various Traveller settings - now I have the MgT version I decided to give it a go using the setting as intended.

So far so good...
Many thanks.

Can I just add that if anyone is looking for a setting where they can use all the high to extreme TL toys MT, MgT and T5 have to offer the Mindjammer setting may be worth a gander.

While it does take liberties with redefining some technologies it is pretty easy to just use the stuff found in MT, MgT and T5.
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90% of the sessions I ran were CT with some Judges Guild, FASA and Paranoid Press materials, plus home brew stuff based on stuff from my D&D variant campaigns.

Setting: the border subsectors between the Imperium and the Solomani Sphere. Adventures were mainly on lower tech worlds where the crew members were tasked at contacting less developed worlds and bringing them into their patrons' commercial influence.

I have been running a PBEM campaign in the spinward marches pretty much non-stop since early 2002. I call it Trouble in the Spinward Marches (CT) Play By Email Campaign and I have put some elements of the adventure on Traveller Wiki. Some of you may have been players during this time and it has been a lot of fun. I prefer to use actual traveller material like Kinunir etc but also have borrowed ideas from some of the following.

David Drake

Loren Wiseman

Robert A. Heinlein

Andrew Boulton

Patrick O'Brian

Hans Rancke-Madsen

J. Andrew Keith

Peter LS Trevor

Cathy Goldstein

Marc Miller

William H. Keith, Jr
I voted OTU/Homebrew/Other Commercial for using the Far Frontiers, heavily modified to excise the 3I and Zhodani aspects. The "Imperium" in my setting is more akin to the post-Rebellion Imperium, and based on Old Terra, not Capital. I just have the FF sector be "far" from the Sol sector.
I think Mindjammer will need adding to the poll.

I was originally interested in it to mine for ideas for my various Traveller settings - now I have the MgT version I decided to give it a go using the setting as intended.

So far so good...

There's a Mindjammer sub-forum in the Mongoose forum. I'd be interested in hearing about your game.
Homebrew ... with 'setting' really just being a handful of specific pre-gen aspects and the rest all being built adhoc around the characters.

I do plan adventure scenarios - not wide open sandboxes - but, do not spend any extensive time on backstory. Like to use 'props' - maps, deckplans, and character images - to get everyone on the same basic page. Prefer paragraph briefs - snippets that can be conveyed quickly and leaving room for Player's imaginations.