• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Introducing Stellar Reaches, a new T20/CT fanzine...

Employeee 2-4601, I don't know if the work would be copyrighted or not, but I'd rather not take the chance of losing my ability to do this project because I did something inappropriate like that. I can look into it, though, and see if I can find any information regarding the disposition of such screen shots.

Jame, sure, send me a list of your LBB2 designs, and a thumbnail of your Falkenberg writeup. I will definitely consider them.

Thanks, All,
I'd love to see Bryan Gibson or Scarecrow submit some renders and some of their ship art (Bryan, any chance of some deckplans for your *brilliant* rendition of the subsidized merchant?). They'd really look snazzy, especially Scarecrow's renders of ship interiors and Brian's line art (sorry it may have some other name) for same.

Like Mert, I feel I should support the MT end of things.

I've got a partially complete 'advanced chargen' for corporate types (ie all those corporate folks who don't roam around on starships!). I've also got an enhanced version of the ground to space to ground sequence that expands on what is in MT. I *believe* it falls under fair use both because of FFE's Fanzine exception and because it is a modified version of what is essentially a one-page checklist. Ergo it is probably safe on all fronts and might interest some.

Typo - Sashar has 10 billion, not trillion, inhabitants... likewise for Gumushi, and perhaps others...

...and I'm slightly confused about why the Guardian-class runabout was designed at Jump-2 instead of its planned Jump-3.

You've done an amazing job, Flynn. It's a real-live Traveller fanzine! How cool is that?
I'll make the appropriate changes then. A new, updated version of the PDF will be going up probably tonight or tomorrow morning. I'll post when it does.

Three typos isn't too bad, I guess. ;)

Thanks, All,
The other interesting thing about a PDF fanzine vs. the older paper ones - producing a retraction/redaction/amendment/errata-corrected version is fairly easy, and people can just download the update (as opposed to uploading the downdate?
). That means fixing bugs in this kind of format is pretty easy.

That's something I hadn't considered until now, but is very cool.
Just downloaded it from CotI. Just in middle of printing the quadrant map and write up. Looks good.

One nit. Using a non-proportional font for the UWP will make reading the stats easier.
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Flynn:
Employee 2-4601,
I don't believe I can use the System Shock 2 screenshots, however, as the artwork is most likely covered by their copyrights, and I don't have permission to use that work.
Hmmm... there are many screenshots of that game posted on the Net; and besides, it would be from a level that I'd create.

But no matter, I'll submit the rest anyway to the E-Zine, and the screenshots (and later the mission itself) on a page of my own (which, IIRC, is 99%-100% legal).
</font>[/QUOTE]Nope it's 100% illegal. You don't have the right to use copyrighted images without permission in the manner you are describing. It doesn't fall under the concept of fair-use. It doesn't matter if 'everyone else is doing it' or there are such screenshots splattered across the net. It's copyright infringement. It's also something I won't tolerate on these boards or with anything associated with our products or Traveller in general.

Disallowing the use of such screenshots would be just another absurd example of corporate infringement on free speach.
Take this misinformed opinion to the Political Pulpit where it belongs. It has no place here.

Originally posted by Flynn:
Good evening, All,

I have updated the PDF of Stellar Reaches Issue #1, and placed it on the website. You can also find it here:


Note the end of the filename ("_01b"), as the letter will tell you which version of the file you have. The latest at this time is version 1b.

I hope this helps, and I hope you enjoy it,
Haven't had a chance but to give it a glance over at the moment, but it looks pretty good! I will say that we appreciate the support and effort as well! Thanks!

I've got it updated in the fLibrary. You can post any future issues there of course.

Mr Boyett,

I will definitely take the suggestion for non-proportional fonts with UWP listings into consideration with future issues of Stellar Reaches.

Thanks for the feedback,

Thank you very much for the use of the file library to post these issues. I hope you get a chance to complete your review, and it is truely a pleasure to write and create works like this that support QLI, FFE and Traveller products in general.

Thank you for your compliments,
Again, I hope that Sig Oddra would join this publication; his armor and heavy turrets rules would add alot to any LBB-2 designs.
I'll definitely consider his submissions, should he decide it's something he'd like to contribute to.

Congratulations Flynn and well done!
I downloaded your first issue and find myself waiting for more. I read it on my commuter train ride home, almost missed my stop and I am only half way through the adventure. I appreciate the T20/CT format and hope you stay with it while listing the stats for other Traveller versions as appropriate.
This is so cool.

Downloaded SR this morning and read through it - you should be proud, the product is great !

I mainly liked the layout - very crisp and clear. The astrography data is the best laid out I have ever seen and I have traveller data from all the printed editions. The maps themselves are really, really good - who did these ? Are there versions of these maps for the Solomani Rim (where my campaign is set) ? I would love to get data in this format for the Rim.

The adventure is not the kind of one I go in for but I enjoyed reading it whilst the Guardian class runabout and the patron Mikhaelson are both gems.

Hope to see more of SR in the Spring.


The maps themselves come from a great little program called sec2pdf, written by COTI's own J Greely. You can find out how to install it and use it on his webpage:


Using this tool, you, too, can produce maps like this for your own campaign.

Let me know if I can be of any assistance in that area, and thank you very much for the compliments,