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It's not the end of the world... but...


A bit of an adventure seed...

“Modern” humanity (TL 7-9) is increasingly an urban creature, and one that has tended more towards specialization rather than the generalized skills which characterized earlier stages of civilization and culture.

As a by-product of this, particularly in conjunction with typical market and supply structures, it is an accepted baseline within certain professional circles that these urban areas are typically only 3-5 days away from effective anarchy and chaos in the event of a disaster which interrupts basic services and supplies. “On-demand” shipping and stocking means that stores don’t keep huge warehouses of foodstuffs available. Debit cards and EBT functions mean fewer people carry ready cash. Reliance on external utilities and organized public services means that many urban area residents are ill-prepared for a self-sufficient lifestyle, even in the short term. Any crisis interrupting these structures is likely to lead to a rapid decay in social norms, increased risk of disease, water and food shortages, starvation (if prolonged), medical crisis, and social unrest ranging from looting and street riots all the way to total collapse. Modern history is rife with enough examples I needn’t amplify.

It’s not unreasonable to expect these concerns to port into our spacefaring TL 7-9 colony worlds (I generally stop at 9 in this concept as a high end - after that the availability of high-tech power sources, grav vehicles to orbit, and the like make it more reasonable to expect a rapid recovery from the incidents I’ll describe). Particularly when we consider Jump distances, and any off-world help is at least 2 weeks away in the best case scenario. Two weeks doesn’t seem like a long time - until you’re trying to protect and provide for your family, worried about clean water and the scraps of food, and medication for your sick children. Then weeks become lifetimes…

Which brings us to our adventure seed:

This will work best for a party which doesn’t have a starship (and thus, can’t just lift from system), or is significantly separated from it. Similarly, the world needs to be in the position to only have one starport, or for any others to be far enough away that it’s a challenge getting aid. But, it’s not intended to be a long-term armageddon type campaign either - depending on how the group approaches things they could leave as soon as able, or stick around and help rebuild.

The party starts in the midst of a completely unrelated mission, with no warnings or inklings of this twist. Then, the unexpected disaster strikes - I’ve done it as an “overnight” thing, or in the midst of another scene. A few different options for thought:

Meteorite/antimatter particle impact over the spaceport (think Tunguska, 1908) - the resulting blast destroys or critically damages all starships present, as well as a great majority of the major city.
Unforseen seismic event has similar consequences, whether through earthquake or tidal wave/tsunami impact. “Super eruption” isn’t as logical for this one, as by even TL 7 major eruptions give *some* element of warning which would be noticed on a spacefaring civilization level.
Rival military/terrorist group/whatever conducts an orbital kinetic strike on the spaceport, again banking on the collateral damage from such event to cripple the opposition.

The party needs to be close enough to the event to immediately notice it, and grasp the consequences (even if remotely), but not so close as to be at immediate risk of death or injury. Similarly, avoid nukes and the like as the goal isn’t to play “can I survive the rad wasteland”. The point is, in an instant, the game changes - what was another job on another world, has suddenly shifted. Maybe the characters are ill-prepared, and now have to struggle for simple survival, like everyone else. Maybe they’re ready to ride things out til help arrives from off-world - but here are thousands of other people who are going to be greedy for the resources the party has. Do they become altruistic, doing their best to help the masses? Or, is it time to carve out some power, gain some wealth while the opportunity is ripe? Plus, there’s the original mission - does it still hold as valid? Is it somehow easier or harder now, or can it be leveraged as part of the disaster?

The final point is, don’t make it hopeless, but don’t make it a given. It’s an interstellar society - word got out, and help is on the way. But, how long will it take? What will they find when they get here? And, can the group hold on until then?
Great adventure premise...I'm working this one into an ongoing campaign. Definitely not apocalypto but it will be pretty intense. One variant I'm thinking of using is an extraction team going in to retrieve X and then having to deal with all manner of craziness (they just can't shoot their way in and out).
Great adventure premise...I'm working this one into an ongoing campaign. Definitely not apocalypto but it will be pretty intense. One variant I'm thinking of using is an extraction team going in to retrieve X and then having to deal with all manner of craziness (they just can't shoot their way in and out).

That might work great for a Scout S3-type of run - in that, they have to maintain a low profile, accomplish the mission, and can't simply win by overwhelming firepower. Just a thought...

Speaking of - I'm becoming more tempted to do a write up on my take for "S3-type" stuff by the day...
Funny, the campaign I run involves a group of mercenaries/"contractors"/"troubleshooters" who are on an on-call contractor list for the Imperial Scout Service (ISS) when the ISS's forces are unavailable to handle a situation. Situations are typically rescuing ISS personnel or dealing with a situation that threatens ISS interests.

The backstory, of course, is that the organization is under-funded, plagued with bad luck and only managed to get added to the on-call list because the owner of the company is buddies with an ISS contracting officer... :)