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NPC - Barbara Olayombo - Martial Arist / Lancer


Here's the second NPC I made up.


Barbara Olayombo

Age 61 11 terms Martial Artist


Combat Skills
Unarmed Martial Arts 8/16
Armed Martial Arts - Small Blade 8/16
Thrown Weapon 5/13
Slug Pistol 3/11

Non-Combat Skills
Ground Vehicle 2
Act/Bluff 2/9
Acrobatics 5/13
Stealth 2/10
Instruction 4/11
Leadership 4/11
Observation 4/12
Tracking 2/10
Investigation 3/11
Streetwise 3/11
Gambling 1/9
Disguise 2/9
Pickpocket 3/11
Intrusion 2/10
Willpower 3

Initiative -3

Barbara grew up in a middle-class neighborhood in the capital city of Hite, as the planet was then called. Her parents ran a construction company. When she was four, her parents had her start taking lessons in Bokgo; a martial art that arose in the Old Expanses around the year 950. She soon realized she loved it; and it sent her down a path for the rest of her life. As an adult, she began teaching to others. She eventually grew to own and operate her own studio, where she has taught for decades. She has taught thousands of students over the years. Those students have moved into many different walks of life. One of the largest groups of ex-students are members of the Hite and now Nike Nimbus military. In 1188, she was hired by the Hite army to train special forces students in unarmed combat. Many of these men and women are now members of the RCES and RCMC. While working for the Army, assistant instructors took over the bulk of the teaching. She continued to teach several of the children classes; she always said that those were her favorite classes.

She grew up hearing stories of interstellar life from her parents, who passed away several decades ago, and she was overjoyed at the formation of the Dawn League and its transformation to the Reformation Coalition. She knows that many of her former students are out there helping build the future. Still she always dreamed of travelling the stars. When she turned 60; she realized she would have to do something about her dream, or watch it die. She thought about taking a trip to see the other worlds of the Coalition; but that felt too self-indulgent and wouldn't help anyone. Instead she decided to join a starship crew working to help the RC. She doesn't particularly care if it is a RCES ship, a government ship or a Lancer crew. She doesn't see herself doing smash-and-grab missions, but rather intelligence gathering or moonshadow operations.

There are several different ways she could encounter the players. She could be recommended to the PCs by one of her former students, who is now a high-ranking officer or maybe a PC contact; or she could apply for an opening that the PCs have announced. In this case, the PCs would be confronted by a fairly grandmotherly looking woman who claims she wants to go explore the Wilds with them. In those cases, she'll probably have to challenge one of the PCs to a match and proceed to beat them senseless (but very politely.) The players could also meet her after she has joined a crew. She could have been doing moonshadow operations and be brought into brief the players on what she has found out.

Barbara is very physically fit and works at maintaining her fitness levels. She practices Bokgo every day for at least an hour. She also runs or lifts weights on an alternative day schedule. This helps ward off the effects of aging.

Personality - Barbara has a warm and inviting personality. With her students, she is firm, but always encouraging. She is never negative while teaching. She is well regarded by her many students. They address her as "Teacher Olayombo". She never got married. She has dated several people over the years, but things always ended badly. She's a bit too rigid in her ways and doesn't open up about her feelings.

Appearance - Barbara is a 61-year old black woman in excellent physical shape. She has short cropped hair that has greyed. She has a few braids in the back of her head. She wears comfortable loose fitting clothing that allows her to move and fight if necessary. She usually has a smile on her face and is happy to see former students and colleagues.

3 Crime – Barbara’s studio wasn’t in a great part of town before the economy started recovering and some of her students were less than reputable. They also got involved with some things that she doesn’t tell anyone about. She did have a few very interesting years…
4 Business – These are former students who have grown up and got involved with rebuilding Nike Nimbus.
4 Martial Artists – Most of these are ex-students who are part of the RCES or RCMC.