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Pacification Campaigns, incorporating new worlds/systems into the 3I, and worlds seceding...?


I honestly don't know if this is the correct subforum. If it's the wrong one, admin, please move to the correct one, or advise where it should be, please :)

I'm trying to understand how worlds were brought into the 3i in the wake of the various pacification campaigns (other than my military conquest), and how they might secede from the 3i.

I honestly don't know if this is the correct subforum. If it's the wrong one, admin, please move to the correct one, or advise where it should be, please :)

I'm trying to understand how worlds were brought into the 3i in the wake of the various pacification campaigns (other than my military conquest), and how they might secede from the 3i.


IIRC, many worlds were originally brought into the Imperium through economic incentive. The nascent Third Imperium (thru Zhunastu Industries) held exclusive patents and manufacturing specifications on Fusion Plus technology, which revolutionized small-scale power production, and was an early TL12 trade source to a largely <TL12 surrounding interstellar environment. The promise of cheap power production and high technology goods was often enough incentive to cause many worlds to join, since it additionally opened up interstellar trade access to many additional trading partner worlds with which the early Imperium also had dealings.

For those worlds who did not wish to join, the Imperium could often simply bypass them and effectively deny them the off-world trade of the more lucrative markets of their own trade vessels, their former trading partners having gone over to Imperial traders. Eventually the hold outs would come around and choose to join. For the truly stubborn in the long term, there was always eventually the military option when it became necessary.
IIRC, many worlds were originally brought into the Imperium through economic incentive. The nascent Third Imperium (thru Zhunastu Industries) held exclusive patents and manufacturing specifications on Fusion Plus technology, which revolutionized small-scale power production, and was an early TL12 trade source to a largely <TL12 surrounding interstellar environment. The promise of cheap power production and high technology goods was often enough incentive to cause many worlds to join, since it additionally opened up interstellar trade access to many additional trading partner worlds with which the early Imperium also had dealings.

For those worlds who did not wish to join, the Imperium could often simply bypass them and effectively deny them the off-world trade of the more lucrative markets of their own trade vessels, their former trading partners having gone over to Imperial traders. Eventually the hold outs would come around and choose to join. For the truly stubborn in the long term, there was always eventually the military option when it became necessary.

OK, thanks; now, expanding (sic) on this, how about more recent additions to the fold, say, in the Spinward marches? I'm somewhat hazy on whether worlds in the five Frontier Wars may have been brought into the 3i during or following those wars?
By the first Frontier War most of the Marches borders were already in place. The big anchor worlds in the Marches were settled by Year 100 or so, Mora being first, with Trin, Rhylanor, and Regina within ~30 years of Mora.

The maps of the Frontier Wars before and after from CT "Spinward Marches Campaign" are quite handy. I think they've been replicated in later editions but I'm not sure exactly where. The Mongoose 1e book on Deneb also includes at least one early Imperial borders snapshot map, circa Year 100.

Subsectors being considered for annexation are numbered sequentially. Only one remains with that designation in 1105, but District 268 Subsector does eventually get annexed during the Regency period in the mid to late 1100s, becoming Plankwell Subsector.
OK, crux of the problem: I'm looking for a world, relatively recent Imperial acquisition (say the last 300 years at most), roughly earth-like, mid-to-high pop, democratic (ish), medium to high law, early stellar tech, with a basic starport at most, that wants to "unshackle" itself from the 3i. I've searched the Traveller Map, with no joy in the spinward areas. Suggestions?
I'm looking for a world, relatively recent Imperial acquisition (say the last 300 years at most), roughly earth-like, mid-to-high pop, democratic (ish), medium to high law, early stellar tech, with a basic starport at most, that wants to "unshackle" itself from the 3i. I've searched the Traveller Map, with no joy in the spinward areas. Suggestions?
That is more specific than you might realize. It is also expressly what Foreven Sector is suited to. Pick a system in Urnian (in my opinion) and build to suit.


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