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Pocket Empires...Wow, it's Like ATU in a Can!


SOC-14 1K
Been reading my new T4 CD on a time-available basis. I'm loving Pocket Empires. I haven't gotten down to crunching numbers on the provided mechanics, yet, but conceptually I'm enjoying what it's got as a basis for simplifying the abstraction of an ATU,

This book alone makes the entire T4 CD worth buying. Easily.

I'll have to go have a look at Imperial Squadrons, as soon as I can get myself away from PE.
Thanks. This is Good Stuff. Thanks for pointing it out. It's good to have the worked example and notes, plus I think I see a thin spot between our ATUs where some Garnish Corporation will bleed through into my ATU (perhaps at year 10, before the collapse.) :)

CEO Matt's character comes through well, and the mixed-race culture is fun. Plus, many of my current players haven't encountered Vargr yet.
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So are either of you gents up for a some what slow paced pocket empire perhaps starting from Sol in 2040 AD with wheezing brand spanking new prototype TL-9 transports, and a desire to get out there and grab the land before the valani get it all?
yep. Slow paced is good for me. Makes it easier to juggle the less important but insistent real life commitments :)
The offer is appealing, but my present F2F campaign is taking up my gaming time each week. It started slow, but now the group is all in, and I'm racing to keep up with the need for background material each week (making copious use of postings in the various fora here to cut things down to size.)

I'd definitely like to when I hand the ref's hat back to our other GM here, but I'm likely on the hook till spring (not that I dislike it, though.)