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Republic of Regina 1902 Gaming Kit


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Attached is a draft document outlining the 1902 setting. It's 36 pages, and that's probably 6 pages too long.

Your constructive criticism is welcomed. This really needs to be useful in one or more ways, or else why bother.

"Draft" means that it's in the early stages. Any or all sections could be rewritten. However I'm trying to hew as closely as I know how to Marc's vision for the Galaxiad setting.


  • Republic of Regina 1902 Gaming Kit.pdf
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Read the whole thing and found some grammar and typo errors along the way.

As far a "trimming the fat" is concerned, I found the Riverbed Theory of History to be so overly indulgent as to be flirting with uselessness. You could probably cut almost all of that and lose almost nothing. The point that although events from the 1100s and how they turned out are important for that era is valid, but by the time you reach the 1900s it "almost doesn't matter" what was going on in the Spinward Marches up to 800 years ago. The uncontrolled TRAUMA of The Wave and Virus were so great that they essentially "moot" the details of the Fifth Frontier War and the Shattering, because they all converge upon the Collapse, regardless of how the earlier history played out.

Besides, why are we citing Grandfather as an authoritative academic researcher on this subject matter? Did he come out of seclusion long enough to write a paper for publication or something? Or is this just pure folk tale that has been handed down so many times that it barely makes any sense anymore (oral tradition drift)? I mean, it's a useful analogy/parable, but we really shouldn't be harkening back to Grandfather for it, as if he were some kind of accessible oracle/mystic who can be contacted by social media app and who has a ThruTube channel that he regularly posts his pontifications on wisdom to.
I can see that Spinward, and I think that falls in line with a comment Jim made.
One thing I’m wondering about is the task mechanics of hop drive Astrogation. The task usually fails, and even if it succeeds you are going to be off by as much as a parsec. Which means any Hop trip should be 1 hop+1jump (with the jump being whatever fraction of a parsec you are off by.).
Which means you need the fuel for 2 jumps, but Farports are pointless because the scatter stops you from getting to them to refuel without a regular jump that could just take you to the main world.

..Unless you can use the hop drive to do a 1 parsec hop, that has almost no scatter (because it is an easy astrogation task) but still blocks at 1000 diameters. (meaning an actual separate drive is needed to reach the inner system)
I think it works assuming using a hop drive to do 1 max hop (astrogation fail) and 1 adjustment hop(astrogation success). You have to carry 20% for fuel. But you get an effective J5 speed for only 20% fuel tankage. Counting “Jump shuttles” going from Farport to Mainworld you deliver an effective travel speed of J2.5 from Mainworld to Mainworld, with only 20% devoted to fuel (less for the Jump shuttles)
Just extrapolate
The Quixitlatl Path An organization based in the survivor Zhodani pocket empire that trains special psions (Quixit) who can see the future. Different operatives see different aspects, but they agree in general. Though the science is not proven, the results are effective.
These psions are loaned out to corporations and governments that can afford it. They are a rare commodity, and their predictions and advice are typically more than worth the high price. Operatives tend to be offensive, arrogant, or both. The Quixitlatl charge BCr1 per advisor per year.
Your constructive criticism is welcomed. This really needs to be useful in one or more ways, or else why bother.
That's really interesting on the first scan Rob. Nicely done, and I'll read it again to try and give some useful feedback.

One question up first - if the limitation of the Hop drive is 100D from a body, so limiting it to the roughly the orbit of Saturn, would the same progression apply to Skip drive cutting out at 1000D (outer edge of the Kuiper Belt in the Sol system)? While I guess we're not going to see a Skip-capable ship in any games, the progression would cause some difficulties. A ship might need a Skip and a Jump drive to get to a world, which starts to make really advanced drives look a little less. So, is the 100D limitation really necessary or could it be modified?
Robject, when you toss something like "herds of Dargullan" in, it would be helpful if you also gave some idea as to what these creatures, at least I presume that they are creatures, might be.

if not, then I would substitute Shire horses, Clydesdale, Percheron, Morgans, mules, Shetlands, Carabaos, or draft oxen for them. Perhaps all of the above. I will have to ask when out in Shipshewana what the most popular draft horse is among the Amish.
Robject, when you toss something like "herds of Dargullan" in, it would be helpful if you also gave some idea as to what these creatures, at least I presume that they are creatures, might be.

if not, then I would substitute Shire horses, Clydesdale, Percheron, Morgans, mules, Shetlands, Carabaos, or draft oxen for them. Perhaps all of the above. I will have to ask when out in Shipshewana what the most popular draft horse is among the Amish.
As I recall from a time my father was manager of a historical farm for the National Park Service and looking for a team of draft horses, that the Amish prefer Percherons and Belgians.
Ok, after a quick read...

It works. In that there is enough there to start a game off of.

To be honest while reading it I was translating into CT/MT terms a lot, which means the setting is valid.

Though I am going to have to let it percolate a while to find the tripping points, but I suspect those will be minor.
This is very nice, regards on all the effort I'm sure it took to prepare it make it so presentable.

But, I have a quibble.

Simply, 800 years is a LONG time. It's been 800 years, and the galaxy is still in chaos.

Something(tm) triggered the formation of empires such as the Vilani, Consulate, and the Imperium. Those were too long lived to simply be the charisma of a single leader striving for power or unity. It suggests some other galactic societal need for structure.

The Vargr are apparently naturally disorganized enough to not unite into a singular power, and thereby suffer from it as a whole, and, by extension, inevitably, individually since there's no tide to lift all boats with Vargr society. Otherwise, their quick recovery should have triggered a fast wave of expansion as their new power overtook the recovering neighbors to consolidate them and place them under a new flag.

The idea that they simply leveraged that advanced start as a more dangerous pirate force denies a fundamental need of piracy -- functioning trade and society to prey upon. Pirates don't prey on weak neighbors. Weak neighbors don't have anything, and when weakened more (by things such as rampant piracy), they just grow weaker or fail.

Rather, pirates prey on strong neighbors in weak places. And the thing about strong neighbors, is they can reinforce and project power into weak areas, especially when riled up due to crazed marauders interdicting their people, trade, and treasure.

The Wave had a very large impact on human society. Societies don't take well to losing 1/2 their population. But, this was, essentially, the impact of what happened to Europe with the Black Death. But, that said, 100 years later, the Renaissance was firing up, and complete in 200 years. This from a society with no "real" technological foundation (I agree, that's a bit unfair and jaded, but...). While humanity was greatly impacted by the wave, their foundation wasn't, necessarily, set back that much. The fundamental knowledge of Jump was not lost, nor abundant power, etc. Set back for a bit, sure, but just waiting behind an unlocked door to come back roaring, and roaring it would. Humanity was not knocked back to the stone age and dark times having to relearn fire and wheel. It was bruised and battered, but once past, able to pick up where it left off, perhaps with a new mission of expansion to make up for lost time, or a drive of "fixing what was broken before" (not necessarily to great success, our ideologues aren't necessarily the most practical thinkers).

While perhaps sick of conflict (for good reason), that would not prevent them from expanding rapidly to consolidate to whatever border was appropriate. But they wouldn't just let the other powers push back. I think they'd come in with the history of what happened before, with a "we shouldn't let this happen again" philosophy. The biggest power struggle would be to thwart these Corsairs. The Corsairs could well be reason to re-unite under a larger banner, if nothing else to rally a navy to better resist and deter the Corsairs.

While the Vargr may enjoy their small groups that can not reconcile, Humanity, historically, has not had as much of an issue with that, and has historical analogues and doctrine to build on, and to not build on (the "Well THAT didn't work!" syndrome). They would push back, I think, and it would not take them 800 years to do it.

So, anyway, after all that, just seems to me the galaxy is in too much chaos for such a long period of time. Nature abhors a vacuum, and at least Humanity more so than not progressed and prospered under the auspices of the Imperium and Zhondani Consulate (for all their problems and failings). There can certainly be some manner of balkanization of the old Imperial holdings, but, at the same time, there may well be drive to work, again, under a unified banner -- it all depends on what the existential threats are. Clearly the Imperium expanded with some message of stability and progress, it wasn't just tearing through the galaxy, conquering everything through violence and destruction. It offered something substantial to make worlds willing to join. And the border areas trying to contain the Vargr are going to want some support from those inner sectors that it's holding back the tide of disruption from. "Through the blood of my people are your lands kept safe." That gets pretty old, pretty quick.