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Robot Arm construction


SOC-14 1K
Peer of the Realm
Ok I have parts of a robot construction system built, in that Brains and software I got, as well as power and locomotion.

The real question is Manipulators, I am tempted to treat them just like any other component And figure out Apparent Str and Dex from there. A'la book 8, but the idea for figuring the Apparent Dex and Str then assign number of manipulators from there Occurs as well.

Any Ideas?

Note Brains and skill software is modified out of the CE equipment sections Computer rules. Locomotion and Power is lifted from 13Mann's Robots. Components are being lifted from all of the previous robots publications as it amuses me.

Also note that robots are limit to a 1000 kg or less, anything larger is covered by the Vehicles book.