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Secrets of the Ancients: Ancient Ship


So, in my Traveller Hero campaign, I've gotten to Adventure 12: Secret of the Ancients (except I'm using a lot from the Mongoose adaptation/expansion, Secrets of the Ancients). One of the things Gareth Hanrahan did was to combine the Ancient base and Ancient ship into one alien structure. The adventure does a great job of describing a weird, utterly unearthly technology, but the one thing they don't do is provide an image. Humans are visual, and I think that part of the adventure is helped tremendously by adding something visual.

So, I asked my buddy Tom Semple to draw something for me, and this is what he came up with. I'm blown away by it, and, since my players have finally seen it, I feel I can upload it to a public place.

So, I asked my buddy Tom Semple to draw something for me

tell him it's awesome. looks like some giant octopus/squid/mollusk/sponge thing floated up out of some 40 mile deep ocean and just drifted off into space.

like that star trek ... thing ... too, looks like some alien race never got their christmas lights untangled and just decided to repurpose it as a ship.
"tell him it's awesome. looks like some giant octopus/squid/mollusk/sponge thing floated up out of some 40 mile deep ocean and just drifted off into space."

Portuguese Man-O-War
Reminds me of the spaghetti monster thing. Or at least something from Cthulhu.

Hmm, perhaps the eldritch horrors that rip out everyone's minds and/or Elder Gods are various Ancient tech that messed with humans way back when- accidentally or intentionally.
Space: 1999 had a neat episode with psionic Cthulhu monsters that fried crew members to a crisp. And I think some of the early Robotech cartoons had organic-looking ships.