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Snapshot: Moving diagonally through passages and around corners?

Moving: An individual may move one square forward (directly or diagonally) at
a cost of one AP. Facing of the individual does not change.
Sidestepping (and Backstepping): An individual may move to the side or to the
rear (directly or diagonally) at a cost of 2 APs. Facing does not change
I agree, since it is not specifically forbidden in the rules, it is allowed.

However, I was wondering if there was any reputable commentary on the subject in the past decades. Surely, I can’t be the first to raise this question.
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Not sure what the problem is. Just make sure that there's nothing on the map to suggest that the route is blocked because of a wall or whatever.

It is curious that a forward diagonal step costs the same as a regular one, but that's likely a gameplay issue that they simply chose to adopt.