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Traveller fanfic


SOC-14 1K
Those following my own humble attempts at scribbling something down may like to know that the next chapter of "The Odyssey Of The Bard Refuge" has now been posted. It can be found here. All feedback gratefully received. Enjoy.
Fellow Baron.

Greetings, Baron, I would love to check this out, I too am having fits of fiction flitting about here and there, so I can dig on this, but later, am 24+ hours no sleep till Brooklyn and working 12 of them with no nicotine *shrugs* i know it's bad for you, but the dude doing BSG is right, don't listen kids, we all know, smoking makes you cooler, just like the right pair of Mirrorshades :cool:, and of course remember another of those things you get with second hand smoke is second hand coolness. :p

Anyway, Laterness.
Try the Reconteur's Rest over at Freelance Traveller website.

Nice selection of Traveller stories, including a few of my own :D
