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Post here if you got your T5 book.

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Now we know, and if I'd known I would have known sooner I would have begged to forgo the extra "stuff" to get the bloody book/pdf.

As it is...it's still damn tempting.
Personally I'd rather have the book and CD ROM and give up the other stuff. I have a storyline and gaming group ready to go. All I need is the game to run it. I came up with a campaign idea and then searched for a system to run it in. Traveller quickly became a favorite of my searches and it seemed the latest and greatest would work for it.
And just so this thread's balanced: I want the swag as much as the book.

Especially the dice; I'm old enough to have seen somene with the original Traveller dice, but not old enough to have bought a set.

Since I have all the other Trav rulesets, I'm not dying for the lack of the T5 one. Especially as I have, somewhere, a copy of the draft from a few years ago.

So go make yourself a cuppa, relax, be patient, and brood over what other Trav things you'd like to see.

(Personally, I would like a cap emblazoned with an Imperial sunburst. Red, preferably, since the Scouts are my favourite service. But you could release them in multiple colours. ;-)
David is in the same boat as me. I never had the old dice. It's totally worth the wait.
I am fine to wait for the swag... the TAS card especially! All of this just helps bring the environment alive :)

I do wish that Marc had made the PDF available to backers earlier though. Gold copy went to printers a while ago and we could be reading and playing already while waiting for the physical loot to be shipped.

A 15mb file is tiny in this day/age (would take less than a minute on my line).
I am fine to wait for the swag... the TAS card especially! All of this just helps bring the environment alive :)

I do wish that Marc had made the PDF available to backers earlier though. Gold copy went to printers a while ago and we could be reading and playing already while waiting for the physical loot to be shipped.

A 15mb file is tiny in this day/age (would take less than a minute on my line).

Not all of us can afford a Model 5 :file_21:
New information. Not from Far Future Enterprises, or Kickstarter. It details what's going on now and has a link for purchases. I've included information from the front page:


I dont understand that site at all, I must be thick. What the heck is the last option on the site supposed to be supplying? The first option is the T5 book, the second option is the dice, what is the third thing meant to be? It just looks like postage but the postage is already included separately in the other two options. Very confusing.

Either way he shouldn't be messing around with this stuff - trying to get more orders in - when he hasnt even fulfilled the Kickstarter orders yet. Looks like he has well overstretched himself with the swag etc. I predict people not having their bundles until May sometime if he has 2000 to post! I think the end of March is well unlikely.

He should send all the books out immediately (because after all that is what people where most intersted in) and then follow up with all the swag once its all be received. I am surprised he hasnt done that. Delaying all the orders for a daft card is just not on.
I dont understand that site at all, I must be thick. What the heck is the last option on the site supposed to be supplying? The first option is the T5 book, the second option is the dice, what is the third thing meant to be? It just looks like postage but the postage is already included separately in the other two options. Very confusing.

The first item is the book or CD-ROM or bundle, the second is the dice. Only the Dice option has the shipping included it's not in the book combo item. The third item is international shipping on the book/CD-ROM bundle. I agree it isn't well laid out, the shipping should just be incorporated into additional items on the first dropdown really.

He should send all the books out immediately (because after all that is what people where most intersted in) and then follow up with all the swag once its all be received. I am surprised he hasnt done that. Delaying all the orders for a daft card is just not on.

That would then increase the shipping costs and the handling time required for each order. Shipping is expensive these days and any additional costs would need to come from somewhere. Plus it then complicates things with regards to what has been sent to whom and increases the chances of making an error which will then cost additional money to put right.
Not to be an ass, but...

I dont understand that site at all, I must be thick. What the heck is the last option on the site supposed to be supplying? The first option is the T5 book, the second option is the dice, what is the third thing meant to be? It just looks like postage but the postage is already included separately in the other two options. Very confusing.
Which part is confusing, the label that tells you one is International Shipping or the one labeled Available CDs which shows the other editions of Traveller you could get on CD? As some one who spent a lot of time in hospital, I prescribe either two large sugar laced cups of coffee or a good night sleep.

And now back to being human.

EDIT:You know, kids, when try to be a smart ass, don't do it after a 16 hour shift. Otherwise you do what I just did which while proofing your own work you read the OP again realize, that "Oops on me.", you are right. I suspect that the Shipping in the other pull downs might be artifact. I think Marc should be made aware of that. Good catch. And my apologies, you know for wise assing.

Okay, on third review by the Referee, the original comment needs adjustment and what I think is an explanation of what is going on. The Shipping included in the pull down for the dice, and the International Shipping is for the T5 Book, T5 CD and/or other Traveller CDs. What we have is a bad placement. UI could use a bit of do over. It should go something more like so:
T5 Book and Bundle. Add International Shipping. T5 Dice. Other Traveller CDs.​
Either way he shouldn't be messing around with this stuff - trying to get more orders in - when he hasnt even fulfilled the Kickstarter orders yet. Looks like he has well overstretched himself with the swag etc. I predict people not having their bundles until May sometime if he has 2000 to post! I think the end of March is well unlikely.

He should send all the books out immediately (because after all that is what people where most intersted in) and then follow up with all the swag once its all be received. I am surprised he hasnt done that. Delaying all the orders for a daft card is just not on.
Daft card?! Surely you jest. I mean what could possibly be daft about having a TAS Card and possibly a Patent of Nobility in your pocket when you shift dimension in the Great Future Flux? "Daft", he says. Bah.

A good Traveller should alway be prepared for some adventure breaking off. :devil:
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(Personally, I would like a cap emblazoned with an Imperial sunburst. Red, preferably, since the Scouts are my favourite service. But you could release them in multiple colours. ;-)

+1 on the cap idea.... AFTER we get out loot :)
15megs? That's smaller then any podcast file I've seen (downloaded, or posted for VSE). I doubt anyone online would even blink at downloading that. Or any server would really blink at it being downloaded.
Yes, a nicely made cap with the Imperial sunburst would be very nice. Especially if a quality product.

On the downloadable pdf idea, there are still some email servers that balk at something that size.
Wasn't talking about email. Mark had said that it was difficult to post it online due to it's size. I was just pointing out I don't know any servers where it would be an issue to host a file that size.
18th March for cards

The TAS cards are due to hit his door on the 18th according to his last Kickstarter post. This is the last bit he was waiting on. I posted him and asked if he could setup a place to download the pdf and got no response. He may as well just have given to it Pirate bay and solved his distribution issue.
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