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Cthulhu-2300AD Crossover

Was thinking of having players encournter one of the extraterrestrial species in H P Lovecraft, like the Mi-Go, Fungi from Yuggoth or Elder Things. Anyone try this?
Was thinking of having players encournter one of the extraterrestrial species in H P Lovecraft, like the Mi-Go, Fungi from Yuggoth or Elder Things. Anyone try this?

I am currently doing something similar, though not with 2300. I am running a Mongoose v1 Traveller game using Chtonian Stars setting, which is a tl8/borderline 9 setting set entirely in our own solar system (oddly similar in ways to the series The Expanse) with Cthuloid elements on the rise due to the aforementioned Chtonian Star.

It's interesting, and so far a lot of fun.
Was thinking of having players encournter one of the extraterrestrial species in H P Lovecraft, like the Mi-Go, Fungi from Yuggoth or Elder Things. Anyone try this?

The Elder Things are a great idea IMHO. At the Mountains of Madness/Traveller 2300, that might work pretty good. If you're keeping up with the Ancients of the Travellerverse, you can throw in some unsettling discoveries about pre-human history.

I wonder how a Quinn-Darlan PGMP fares against a Shoggoth ? ;)
I’m imagining Cthulhu cultists finding ancient alien ruins that eventually leads them to a long dead world orbiting a brown dwarf. A dark, foreboding and ancient world, probably a rogue planet flung from it’s home system that fell into orbit around a failed star.

The Mi-Go, ancient servants to an far older beings. Cthulhu and the other old ones, immortal gene-modded so heavily their original forms are indiscernible, evolutionary heritage long abandoned. Ancient advanced technologies, that might as well be near magical to 2300’s investigators.