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General Does your ship have a Pet? (revised)

Somewhere on one of my computers I have an example of a dog gas mask from World War One. They had horse gas masks as well, so I will have to look for one of those as well. K'kree you know.

As for pet telepathy, it would be hard to beat Andre Norton with Hosteen Storm in Beast Master, Troy Horan in Catseye, or Shann Lantee in Storm Over Warlock. I have that as a wild Psi talent in my universe. There have been many times where I would have given a lot to get into the head of one of my cats for 10 seconds.
I have to put in a good word for Cordwainer Smith's short stories The Game of Rat and Dragon and to a lesser extent Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons (lesser extent because those crittes aren't pets by any stretch of the imagination...)
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Then there's the Stainless Steel Rat who was neither of those things.

Ok, it's derailed, so why not run with it?
Edit 2: Was having issues with the embed, but it was just bad wifi and an old tablet.
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