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Help finding 2D Near Star Hex Map

Border Reiver

SOC-14 1K
I have seen somewhere in the ether a Traveller style rendition of the Sol Subsector based on the 2300 near star list. I thought it was done by Andy Slack but I can't find it anywhere. I'm sure it was done as a TNE conversion of 2300.

Can anyone help?
I could be misremembering but didn't Constantine Thomas (aka Evil Dr Ganymede, aka Malenfant) do that? Like I say though maybe I'm remembering what you saw BR but not the right who did it. Hang on a sec, got into the secret lair...

...yes, I think that's it! Have a look BR and Hunter, see if this does the trick.

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Not quite it but useful anyway.

This was a single subsector mapped (may have been described as Sol Subsector in the Sirius Sector per naming convention of brightest star) and featuring (I think) 2300 star names like Clarkesstar and Queen Alice Star/Beowulf.
You're welcome Hunter, and sorry for the miss BR. Hmm, the little gray cells kinda worked and that Clarkesstar and Queen Alice Star/Beowulf notation is stirring them up a bit (unless it's just from my very little exposure to 2300, looked at the near star list once and briefly ages ago). What was the name of the Aussie chap with the MT site... not coming. I think he might have had something like that but I'm not sure and without a name "that Aussie chap with the MT site" is a bit vague :confused:
"Core Subsector" by Andy Slack was in Challenge 75, page 58. It was a two page article with a subsector map and UWPs for the worlds. The UWPs were for the 2300AD versions of the worlds.

I'm just checking Andy Slack's website to see if he has an archive copy. It's not in the main 2300AD PDF.

Got it, it's at page 47 of this file.

Hope this helps.
2-D Near Star map?

Anyone have a 2-D adaptation of the Near Star map they'd like to share? Or a current working link to one - those listed in this thread all now generate 404 errors- gee, dunno why, the most recent is only 5 years old! ;)

I was planning to base mine on the map from an old SPI wargame, StarForce I think it was called, but unfortunately my copy of that map is currently lost, almost certainly in the same box with my long-lost Traveller 2300 stuff, since the last time I recall seeing it was when I was previously working on a 2-D conversion, some 25 years ago. :(