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Imperial Patents of Nobility email?

These are really cool!
Not sure how I rated being Duke of Rhylanor!

Thanks Marc!
(Now I just have to figure out how to collect my lands. Being there's a war going on, and I'm in the Storr sector.)
These are really cool!
Not sure how I rated being Duke of Rhylanor!

Thanks Marc!
(Now I just have to figure out how to collect my lands. Being there's a war going on, and I'm in the Storr sector.)
I think you answered your own question- opening coming up and in the middle of a war on may explain the ‘honor’.

I now have a name for the Marchioness - Minister the Lady Cayelyn Aleksandra Sirgja-Emashluii. As the sheet is editable, do you want me to add it or should I leave that to you?

Entered M'Lady.

(BTW, you are free to edit the sheet, just remember that your entry goes in TWO places: on the Spinward Marches Tab (or Domain Tab, as appropriate) AND on the ALL PATENTS tab).
Note - character created using MgT2e

Minister the Lady Cayelyn Aleksandra Sirgja-Emashluii, Marchioness Capon
UPP 61599C

Career Synopsis: Imperial Navy Academy (Rhylanor), Naval Officer (2 terms), Diplomat (6 terms)

Personal Synopsis: Although somewhat frail and arthritic, Cayelyn is widely respected for her iron will, cunning and ruthlessness. Known for her devotion to the Third Imperium and her anti-“Mora Foremost” position, she is also an accomplished fencer. Her ancestry is mostly Solomani, some Sword Worlds and Vilani. The Capon branch of the family migrated from Tenalphi in the early 500s.

Major Assets (non-fief): Yacht, TAS Membership; Ship Shares; Naval Officer’s Cutlass (very high quality); family holdings and investments

Born 1053, Capon

1072-1075: Naval Academy
In 1072, Cayelyn entered the Imperial Naval Academy on Rhylanor. Active, but somewhat clumsy, she chose to participate in the gymnastics club to try to become less physically awkward. She excelled in the handling or small craft and gunnery, seeming destined to become a fighter pilot. In 1074 there was a minor panic when a system error instituted an immediate draft call-up of all cadets. The error was corrected, and Cayelyn graduated with honours in 1075, commissioned as an Ensign. In 1074, her uncle the Marquis Capon died without issue; as the eldest of his nieces and nephews, and the designated heir, the title passed to Cayelyn.

1076-1083: Imperial Navy
In her first term, assigned to the Line rather than her preferred Flight, she joined a gambling circle, and incurred debts which resulted in her not being promoted. Realising that a transfer to Flight might keep her out of trouble, she was transferred to a fighter squadron in 1080, seeing service in the 4th Frontier War. During fighting in the Vilis subsector, her fighter was crippled and Cayelyn suffered severe, career-ending injuries.

1084-1107 Imperial Diplomatic Corps
1084-1087 After months of treatment, partially paid for by the Navy, she was fully recovered but with some residual burn scarring on the left side of her face and neck. With her naval career brought to an early end, she assumed her duties as a noble, joining the diplomatic corps in 1084. Cayelyn flourished in this new career and was soon promoted. In 1086, she became romantically involved with a Naval attaché at the embassy.

1088-1091 In 1089 she became politically active, opposed to the constant withdrawal of naval assets from Lunion subsector to protect Mora, when Lunion had suffered heavy damage to bases and planets when Mora had suffered no serious damage at all. This brought her into conflict with the Marquis Duale (then a serving naval officer and ally of the Duke of Lunion, the Duchess of Mora’s cousin). Despite this, Cayelyn’s diplomatic work was recognised and she was promoted again. Her relationship with the naval attaché fizzled out, but they remain very good friends to this day (he is now a Vice Admiral in the 43rd Fleet) and have a daughter and son (twins, born 1090) who are being raised on Capon. During the romance, she became a well-regarded hostess.

1092-1095 This term saw yet another promotion, but also a setback. In 1094 one of her younger cousins, now of age, challenged her to a duel for the title (a family tradition resulting from Sword Worlds ancestry). Younger and more agile, he inflicted a severe injury to Cayelyn and assumed the Marquisate. Her close family covered most of her medical expenses.

1096-1099 Diplomatic duties this term saw Cayelyn dealing with rougher elements in District 268. The loss of her title in a duel wasn’t well looked on, meaning that she was not promoted this time.

1100-1103 Having undertaken a course of additional fencing training in what little spare time her work allowed, Cayelyn challenged her cousin to regain the title. This time age, cunning and skill saw her cousin defeated and almost killed. He is now virtually a cripple as his close family were unable to pay for medical care beyond that needed to keep him alive. Her marquisate restored, Cayelyn also saw a return to advancement, being promoted to Counsellor.

1104-1107 This term saw a major diplomatic coup for Cayelyn. Ever since the X-boat network had been established, the Third Imperium had been seeking a treaty with the Sword Worlds guaranteeing that the stations at Biter, Caladbolg and Flammarion would not be attacked or destroyed in the event of war. All previous efforts had failed, but this time the Sword Worlds had met their nemesis in negotiations. Through sheer force of her personality (helped by the respect they had for her visible war and duelling scars) they signed the treaty in 1106. This was greeted with much acclaim and Cayelyn was promoted to Minister. She received a TAS membership and also some generous gifts from various corporate interests, which helped to pay down some of the mortgage on her personal yacht.

Now frailer than she would like and having spent so much of her life away from her children, she decided to retire to her estates on Capon to spend time with them before they go to university or military academy. During the negotiations with the Sword Worlds, she was very aware of tensions and undercurrents; it was clear to her that war is on the way, but her reports were dismissed as being unlikely in the foreseeable future.

Admin-1, Advocate-3, Astrogation-1, Athletics (Dex)-1, Carouse-1, Deception-2, Diplomat-2, Electronics-0, Flyer-0, Gambling-1, Gun Combat-0, Gunner (Turret)-1, Language (Sagamal)-1, Leadership-1, Mechanic-0, Melee (Blade)-2, Pilot (Small Craft)-1, Pilot (Spacecraft)-1, Steward-2, Streetwise-1, Vacc Suit-0
Cr252,500 (Cr260,000 minus Cr8,750 medical debt)
Pension Cr12,000 per annum*
Cutlass, Yacht (10 year left on mortgage), 4 Ship Shares**, TAS Membership***

* I only counted the 6 terms as a diplomat
** two Ship Shares taken in place of two SOC increases
*** I'm debating whether, as she has a yacht, to convert this to 2 ship shares
Pension Cr12,000 per annum*
TAS Membership***

*** I'm debating whether, as she has a yacht, to convert this to 2 ship shares
Think of the TAS Membership as an "extra pension" (kinda sorta, except BETTER than your actual pension!).
You basically get a stipend of 1 high passage ticket per month, which if scalped sold to someone else will earn C9000 per high passage ticket thus disposed of.

In the Imperial calendar, there are 13 months of 28 days each per year (13*28=364).
Cr9000 * 13 = Cr117,000 per year of recoup value if selling your high passage ticket dividends as cash

Compare that to your Cr12,000 per year pension.
Your TAS membership dividend is "worth" 9.75x your diplomat's pension on an annualized basis. 😘

Additionally, your TAS membership gives you the OPTION to travel without necessarily being bound to doing so via your Yacht (a standard J1+1 Type-Y I presume?). Although such travel arrangements may not be "necessary" from a strictly economic or logistics perspective, if you want to travel "incognito" or covertly, doing so via high passage ticket on commercial starships would be preferable to making use of your own Yacht (which might be "too visible/obvious" for certain travel arrangements).

Additionally, there are TAS hostel and lodging services available to members at most type A and B starports, which as a member you've "already paid for" (in advance) and thus will either not be billed for your stay or will be given a nice discount on your bill when you check out.

My point being, do not think of your TAS membership as being "redundant" to the point of worthlessness.
Instead, think of your TAS membership as offering you additional travel options AND financial security in your retirement. :cool:💰
Note that as a Marchioness you should bump her SOC to "D". She was probably SOC=C before she inherited.
D'oh! You're right - I'd forgotten to adjust that.

My point being, do not think of your TAS membership as being "redundant" to the point of worthlessness.
Instead, think of your TAS membership as offering you additional travel options AND financial security in your retirement.
I was aware if that, just considering the option. As she already has four Ship Shares, that is probably enough to add weapons and software to her basic yacht (I've just been designing a custom J2/1G yacht to come in at the same sort of price as the standard J1/1G version in MgT2e. It's streamlined and lightly armoured, drops the Ship's Boat, and does away with some of the luxury extras. It has two luxury, two high and six standard staterooms, plus a briefing room for negotiations. Oh, and a wet bar and advanced entertainment system.
I love getting the little cards and the signature from the emperor etc. I didn't realize it was more than that. Do people use the spreadsheet to name NPCs in the various systems?