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miscellaneous traveller stuff for sale


SOC-14 5K
ran across a guy who has paper copies of gurps first-in, gurps interstellar wars, and mongoose traveller core rulebook, that he's looking to get rid of. anyone interested?

he also has "quite a few" gdw journal booklets, no idea what kind or quantity yet, will know tomorrow.
various "the journal of the travellers' aid society"s

robots II
double star variant (by roberto camino)
mining the asteroids (by marc miller)
advanced powered battle armor (by bob barger)
amber zone - planetoid p-4638 (by loren k. wiseman)
the bestiary - beaked monkey (beaker), sea bear (by loren k. wiseman)
mercenary character generation procedure

trade and commerce (by frank a. chadwick)
emperors of the third imperium (by marc miller and frank a. chadwick)
salvage on sharmun (by jeff may)
gazelle class close escort vessels (by marc miller)
robots III (by loren k. wiseman)
reticulan parasite (by chuck kallenbach III)

best of 1-4

fleshing out the belt (by roberto camino)
the imperial interstellar scout service (by loren wiseman and marc miller)
high guard I (revision from 1979 version to 1980 version)
ticket to swords (by roberto camino)
traveller stock exchange (by stan mullins)
loggerheads (by ian delaney)
model 317 pressurized shelter (by marc w. miller)
dolphin (by roger moore)

champa interstellar starport (by loren wiseman) (this is fairly good)
the closest encounter (by j. andrew keith)
high guard II (revision from 1979 version to 1980 version)
aslan (by loren k. wiseman, william h. and u. andrew keith)
dolphins II (by roger moore)
scam (by loren wiseman)
r&r (by terrence r. mcinnes)
pursue and destroy (by frank chadwick)

a dagger at efate (by john lewis)
maps of the moon and planets (by marc w. miller)
crystals from dinom (by marc w. miller)
vargr (by loren k. wiseman)
the umpire strikes back! refereeing traveller (by j. andrew keith)
high guard III (revision from 1979 version to 1980 version)
broadsword class mercenary cruisers (by marc w. miller)

#9 ("war issue")
zhodani (by loren k. wiseman, frank chadwick, and john harshman)
4518th lift infantry regiment (by marc miller)
the care and feeding of npc's (by j. andrew keith)
epithets for the fifth frontier war (by marc w. miller)
soft bunk, or, what to do when the zhodani attack (by loren wiseman)
psishield helmets set new fashion trend (by william h. keith)
sdb (by john lewis) (hey whipsnade - it's a tailsitter!)
starship miniatures
springers and kian (by liz danforth and loren wiseman)
the battle fleets of the marches (by marc miller)
heavy machinegun (by terrance mcinnes)
bandage (by jim henley)
vacc suits (john w. colbert) (this is good stuff)
amber zone - rule of man commemorative (by loren wiseman and marc miller)

centaurs (by loren wiseman and bill keith)
amber zone - geria transfer (by john m. ford)
a referee's guide to planet-building (by william h. and j. andrew keith)
troops in the fifth frontier war (by marc miller)
77th patron (by trevor graver)
military academy: an option for mercenary (by terry mcinnes)
poltroonery, courts martial, and the imperial code of military justice (by robert bodine)
amber zone - coup d'etat (by loren wiseman)
trillion credit squadron winners
the bestiary - tree rat (by roger moore)
traveller in miniature (by loren k. wiseman)
Only the serious collector type is likely to buy that much dead tree.

The Utility purchaser gets the CD for $35...
found my copy of brilliant lances. opened but otherwise untouched, not sure I want to put in any time on it. any interest.?
The crusty old fart looks at the shelf full of books he's had for 35 years ...

Hey, I've got 5+ cubic meters of RPG's and boardgames from over the years...

but I was referring to current purchasers, not long term accumulators.
Hey, I've got 5+ cubic meters of RPG's and boardgames from over the years...

Honestly, after having to clear out both my parents houses after their passing, I think very seriously about the "stuff" that I have accumulated. During a recent house renovation, I purged (i.e. donated to Goodwill) just boxes and boxes of books and such. Threw out stacks of old magazines. I dumped a large amount of classic Dr Dobbs magazines, I kept the Byte Smalltalk issue. I thought Dr Dobbs were all on CD, but, alas, the old ones are not. My loss. My attic is still "too full", but, it's hard to part with it, even the stuff stacked 3 deep in the back that's effectively inaccessible.

I do enjoy the FFE CDs and their stuff. Just sitting on the couch with PDFs loaded on the iPad. It's not the same, but...it's nice.

I was going to buy the entire back issue library of a modeling magazine, but they use some proprietary format and a program to read them, rather than just PDFs, so I haven't bothered.
I'm really late to this thread, but what the heck. Are any of the items in the first two posts still available? If so, what's the asking price and where would it ship from? I prefer dead tree to CD-ROM where possible.

Yes, I'm that kind of dinosaur.
have a set of little black books, 2 (ships) 3 (worlds and adventures) and 4 (mercenary). great shape. anyone want them?
Hey, I've got 5+ cubic meters of RPG's and boardgames from over the years...

I'm hearin' ya.

I keep telling myself that it's cheaper than by brother-in-law's hobby of trying to do up a Mustang with all authentic parts, but sometimes I wonder.
I'm hearin' ya.

I keep telling myself that it's cheaper than by brother-in-law's hobby of trying to do up a Mustang with all authentic parts, but sometimes I wonder.

To be fair, it's 35 years of collecting.