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T20 Character sheet and other forms

Hello All.

Years ago I got a hold of TTH:Lite but I can't find it now. At Aramis' suggestions on its trade mechanics and my curiosity in using D&D 3e and Star Wars (interesting game group I have.), I happened to find a very good slightly used copy for my b-day.

The thing that drives me crazy is trying to figure out how to copy all the forms.

I went to the mad-irishman's site, but while is says it has the 3-sheet CS, it is only 2. What is the best way to get get good copies of these forms?
Get the T20 CD from Marc. Gives you all the forms in non-scanned formats.

What's TTH:Lite ???
TTH: Lite. The Traveller's Handbook Lite Edition. It was a 65 page intro edition. The closest FNGS has a copy of copies on the shelf. But according to RPGnet, PDF's were given away on CotI. (QLI)
TTH: Lite. The Traveller's Handbook Lite Edition. It was a 65 page intro edition. The closest FNGS has a copy of copies on the shelf. But according to RPGnet, PDF's were given away on CotI. (QLI)
I've never seen it. Didn't even know it existed.