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Oh sorry! I thought I was alone here. You startled me! Have you always been here waiting or did you sneak up behind me just to scare me out of my skull with your post? ;- )

There doesn't seem to be too much discussion about Traveller fiction, either that or someone vaped this forum recently with a Factor-T Meson gun. (He says, checking his portable instruments for signs of decayed neutrons.)

Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever read much Traveller fiction. Is there any? Surely, there must be. I think the best thing I read was the account of the firefight in the intro to striker.
Hi Shadowfax,
If you change your settings to show older posts you might see some conversations on traveller fiction and maybe you could resurect a defunct thread.

To toot my own horn, I have a traveller story published in freelance traveller and an an edited version of the story as more generic space opera up on smashwords.

If you'd care to read either I'd love to hear what you think.


I suggest you to read the Odisey of the Bard Refugee http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=25414.

It's unfinished, but interesting. I hope Hemdian will finish someday...

Thanks. I'm still working on it. In fact it's taking the lion's share of my free time at the moment (what little there is). 9 chapters in draft, 3 to go to finish it ... and a critique group ripping it apart one chapter a month (just done chapter 5). Feedback from the critique group is making me go back and improve the earlier chapters, so I've pulled the old version off the web for now. I'm hoping to have something to show at the Surrey International Writers Conference this year.