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Translated from the d20 SRD

Dragon, Red, Great Wyrm
STR 30, DEX 1, CON 20, INT 18, EDU 17, INF 17
(INF from Judge Dredd Campaign)
8 meters ground, 40 meters flight

Teeth (Bite), Claws, Hooves(Wings), Hooves(Tail Slap), Thrasher(Crush): 3D6
Hooves (Tail Sweep): 2D6
Fire Breath: 13D6 All targets in 21 meter cone (45 degree spread) once every 4 rounds
Scales 29 points

Skills: Athletics (Flying) 1, Broker 17, Deception 17, Diplomat 17, Magic 7, Melee Combat (Natural Weapons) 16, Persuade 17, Recon 17
34 Additional Skill Levels as the Referee see's fit

Alien Traits: Colossal (+4 to be hit, 8d6 Str & Con, 1 Dex), Fast Metabolism, Immunity: Fire, Vulnerability: Cold
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been in that kind of fight sci fi wise. Our old Gamma World game had basicly a council of wyrms type group govorning the ruins of Des Moines. Our roadioactivist glow lovers were stuck between them and the Knights of Genetic Purity in an all out firefight.:devil:
I found this really cool pic while surfing. The guys playing on the DB PBP thread in the RP section shouldn't worry. Well...not too much anyway :smirk:

that picl reminds me of the dragon lance fifth age art work that had the heros next to the claw of an elder great wyrm and it was longer that the human was tall.
Looking for some players in the Play By Post Dragon's Bane thread. PM me or post in the Out of Character Thread :)
So, I finally saw Jackson's first Hobbit film. Well, Smaug wasn't shown in his full glory, but it appears that Smaug is, well, rather big. And when I say rather big, I mean a few shades below Godzilla size big; "A great fire drake from the north..."

Apparently Smaug has blue-ish reflective scales. A real size estimate is difficult, but one of you smarter types might be able to guesstimate based on the coins dropping from his head. Maybe guess that dwarven gold coins are the size of an American silver dollar...which would seem to infer that a single human would be the size of a pizza snack for this critter.

Yee-ouch. All this means is that I may have to adjust the Dragon's Bane RP thread :devil:
Feathers. Modern ideas would have my super dragon-a-saur have feathers.

Feathers wouldn't be a bad idea for a few reasons. Mainly they do make flight a lot easier and more calorie efficient - plus they are good for temperature regulation. In a big dragony beast the temp thing is a must.

What if the feathers had a reflective component. They could be otherwise fairly translucent - oh, wait..thinking out loud here...they react to natural light so they become more opaque and reflective in light. The dragon has two layers of feathers - the heavier flight feathers are covered by a single layer of nearly weightless (relative to feathers) feathers that are translucent membranes, photoreactive, and have a reflective quality to their tissue. Like a cat's eye.

You get a couple or three things with that: one, it helps regulate body temp and could help the dragon stay warm even in the snow and cooler in the sun...two, it could provide a measure of camouflage if the color-changing surfaces have a mottled pattern that alters in direct light (dark matches shadows with lighter spots in the sun, etc...)...three) it could act as an ablative or reflec type armor against lasers. At least for a little while and probably only against man-portable ones. A ship laser would just blow right through.

Well, just thinking out loud like I said...
The new Traveller Compendium 3 by Mongoose has a star dragon adventure written by yours truly. It was kind of my nod to Shadow of the Colossus.
Hmm, I didn't get more of a reaction from that last link I posted.

So, here's the image du jouir. Imagine your group of adventurers getting misled to a place called Middle Earth, separated from their ship, and travelling on foot to get back to it, when you decide to take a short cut through the "mines of Moria".

Heh, I can see it now; 8 players taking a break from wives, kids and dogs one weekend, having spent the morning rolling up characters, or breaking out their old beloved alterna-personae;

GM; "Okay, you laid into the orcs with some heavy firepower. Your dice were good, but, this is Moria, and if you recall the Jackson films, well, there were upwards of thousands of CGI nasties."

Players; "Dude, Jackson's not canon."

GM; "Yeah, but it's my game, and I like the visual reference. Okay, you're at the bridge, and you're hearing goblins scrambling all over the place as a set of thundering footfalls approaches in the dark--shaking the ground and stone floor upon which you stand."

Players; "Pfffft, some giant down here? Give me a break."

GM; "You guys really haven't been reading Tolkien or watching the movie lately."

Players come to a realization; "What, ... wait ... no way!"

GM; "To quote Wayne and Garth; 'Way!'"

Players; "Okay, it'll take a few more rounds, but we got the firepower. Take positions! Find some cover! Some of us go prone, using the bipod and a belt feeder. Fresh batteries and needles for the gauss gunner. Dude with LASER carbine will spot for us. Fusion gunner will set right down in the things path. ACRs with high-tech 203s and an autoshottie at the ready."

GM; "Hmm, you sure you wanna do that?"

Players protest and say "awe come on...we've all ready the stats in that Dragon article."

GM; skeptical, "Well, okay, if you want. In the distance the creature manifests itself as flame and shadow, with huge leathen wings, an energy whip of some kind, and hell fire coming out of its eyes and mouth, with two forward swept horns."

Players; "Target modifiers?"

GM; "Well, he's big, he's generating light, and he's the only lighting up the place other than the odd torch here and there, and that mysterious moon like light that always seems to be every movie even though there's no way sun nor moon light can get through miles of rock...so...it's like hitting the side of a starship or a building. Positive modifiers."

Players; "Let him have it!" (obligatory machine gun and LASER sound effects from grown men as dice are rolled with gleeful smiles) "HO BABY! We blew the living *%&# out of that mothuah-%&$^%*! Woooo!!! And according to the Dragon article the Balrog only has this kind of armor and this many hit points."

GM "You see your rounds pelt the Balrog, and you rock its world as little flecks of magma or flame eek out of its thick black hide with each bullet strike. The laser sears across his skin. And the fusion round blows a massive hole the drips molten tissue.

Players; (elated, with more whoops and cheers). "Dragon articles rock!"

GM; "Ah, but sadly, we're using the new official fantasy Traveller module published just last week by Mark Miller himself, where there's a whole section on 'molten creatures of the underworld'. Needless to say the Balrog scowls and gives you a 'you're making me mad' kind of look" :devil:
Obviously these are mercs, instead of traders or a science team. I'm having a hard time imagining anyone else withstand Moria Orcs in any quantity - without, that is, taking the route the actual MOVIE took.

Namely, "Dammit, RUN!"
Heh, I can see it now; 8 players taking a break from wives, kids and dogs one weekend, having spent the morning rolling up characters, or breaking out their old beloved alterna-personae;

GM; "Okay, you laid into the orcs with some heavy firepower. Your dice were good, but, this is Moria, and if you recall the Jackson films, well, there were upwards of thousands of CGI nasties."

Players; "Dude, Jackson's not canon."

GM; "Yeah, but it's my game, and I like the visual reference. Okay, you're at the bridge, and you're hearing goblins scrambling all over the place as a set of thundering footfalls approaches in the dark--shaking the ground and stone floor upon which you stand."

Players; "Pfffft, some giant down here? Give me a break."

GM; "You guys really haven't been reading Tolkien or watching the movie lately."

Players come to a realization; "What, ... wait ... no way!"

GM; "To quote Wayne and Garth; 'Way!'"

Players; "Okay, it'll take a few more rounds, but we got the firepower. Take positions! Find some cover! Some of us go prone, using the bipod and a belt feeder. Fresh batteries and needles for the gauss gunner. Dude with LASER carbine will spot for us. Fusion gunner will set right down in the things path. ACRs with high-tech 203s and an autoshottie at the ready."

GM; "Hmm, you sure you wanna do that?"

Players protest and say "awe come on...we've all ready the stats in that Dragon article."

GM; skeptical, "Well, okay, if you want. In the distance the creature manifests itself as flame and shadow, with huge leathen wings, an energy whip of some kind, and hell fire coming out of its eyes and mouth, with two forward swept horns."

Players; "Target modifiers?"

GM; "Well, he's big, he's generating light, and he's the only lighting up the place other than the odd torch here and there, and that mysterious moon like light that always seems to be every movie even though there's no way sun nor moon light can get through miles of rock...so...it's like hitting the side of a starship or a building. Positive modifiers."

Players; "Let him have it!" (obligatory machine gun and LASER sound effects from grown men as dice are rolled with gleeful smiles) "HO BABY! We blew the living *%&# out of that mothuah-%&$^%*! Woooo!!! And according to the Dragon article the Balrog only has this kind of armor and this many hit points."

GM "You see your rounds pelt the Balrog, and you rock its world as little flecks of magma or flame eek out of its thick black hide with each bullet strike. The laser sears across his skin. And the fusion round blows a massive hole the drips molten tissue.

Players; (elated, with more whoops and cheers). "Dragon articles rock!"

GM; "Ah, but sadly, we're using the new official fantasy Traveller module published just last week by Mark Miller himself, where there's a whole section on 'molten creatures of the underworld'. Needless to say the Balrog scowls and gives you a 'you're making me mad' kind of look" :devil:

Players: "Fine then. We go back to the ship, take off, and head for the Oort Cloud. Once there, we find a nice cometary nucleus with lots of water ice, attach the ship to it, and nudge it into an orbit that intersects Middle Earth on top of the Mines of Moria. Its the only way to be sure. "
Dragon stats for CT I wrote back in '07:

Good Ol' Firebreathers? Here you go!

DRAGON Flying Killer, 800kg, hits 24/10*, Cloth, Teeth+2 (5D damage), Claws+2 (5D damage), As Flamethrower**, A3, F9, S3.

The Dragon is a large airbourne predator native to a SIZE-3, ATM-8 world. Its firebreathing capabilities stem from the fact that it could siphon and filter methane from its digestive tract and store it in two large sacks at its belly. The gas is then pumped through its mouth and ignited by a bio-electric spark-generating organ in its thorax. The Dragon carries enough methane in its sacks for 2D6 rounds of breathing fire; they will refill after a good meal and 6D6 hours of rest.

A Draon's skin is strong, scaly and very light. A suit of armor may be made from this skin, requiring a roll of 10+ (DM +2 if DEX 9+) and 4D6 days of work. This armor will be similar to Jack in shape and weight, but will provide the protection of a Cloth armor.

* Every time a Dragon is hit with an explosive or incendiary weapon, roll 9+ for its methane sacks to catch fire, painfully killing the creature and setting it on fire. Ofcourse, if all of the methane in the sacks has been used up, ignore this rule.
** Flamethrowers are described here.
Golan, you're awesome.

Everyone else; while I'm a kick to share images before I get down to some serious writing, have a lookee here;
