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Fire Sale


No, I'm not selling anything.

While I was watching movies last week (most notably "Live Free or Die Hard") a phrase from Star Wars occurred to me. The phrase about how local commanders would now have direct control over their systems struck me. I go to thinking: Could a 'Fire Sale' type event and systematic cascade effect bring about a Twilight 2000 style environment?

As the collapse entered its first and second stages, police and national guard units would be mobilized to quell riots and maintain 'public saftey' in regions. By the time the Fire Sale entered stage 3, the entire military would have been deployed in some region or another. Some overseas (if the Fire Sale happens next week), and some domestically. With the breakdown in communications, the various units would be required to act more and more independently until every region became a self-sustaining military district.

As the collapse overtook the US, other nations would systematically fall as their electronic networks were dragged down into the mess.

The overseas environment wouldn't need to be fleshed out very much. If you're fighting over the remains of the loading dock at Safeway or clean water rights with the next town over, the goings on in Berlin don't really matter.

You might see areas (ostensibly) under the control of the 34th Infantry Division with the towns that had armories becomming local command centers. Some NG units may go rogue as the collapse entered late stages.

The campaign I was thinking about would focus on very few military personnel (I was thinking about a 1-in-6 to be full time military, and a 2 or 3 in 6 as NG/Reserve or ROTC), and the rest civilians. The game would be focussed more around the protecting of the community, securing resources and rebuilding more than combat.

As reconstruction got underway (years or decades into the campaign), regions would start organizing themselves into larger and larger units, eventually into city- or nation- states.
Any thoughts?
Live Free or Die Hard was a little too realistic for me. You're right. It's the same idea that was behind the Y2K scare. What happens if you lose electricity and communications? For a day? For 2 days? For 3 days? Look at things like the New York blackout. If someone can't call the police or an ambulance or the fire station, what's going to happen?
Actually, GDW produced a few modules that dealt with the "Fire Sale" idea in several areas.

Which modules? I'm going to assume it was in their US modules like Armies of the Night. But can you be more specific?

And didn't they print a random town generator at some point?
Which modules? I'm going to assume it was in their US modules like Armies of the Night. But can you be more specific?

I know we played in europe and was trying to get back to the states, don't rmember what the names of the module was. But one of the last featured a submarine on the front.

I remember that because when I saw that I could finally understad how the CO of our company could make promises that we could get home again ... and then realized that we may not include the whole company... :)

So ... sorry I don't know the actual names, but we where figthing all the way from poland to Denmark if I remember correctly...
There would be some chaos among military units for a little while, until they pull out the old commo gear and re-establish contact with higher headquarters. Civilians, if they're smart, would rely on older comm gear and ham radio. The phone, internet, and sat comm may be down, but the old way of doing things should still work. Unfortunately, most civilians seem to be total idiots when things start going south.