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General Hallowe'en is coming...

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
So it's almost that time of year.

Is anyone planning on running any scary Traveller games for the Holiday?

Anybody going to incorporate Mothership, Hostile, or even Screams Amongst the Stars into a Traveller game?

Who's got some ideas to share?
Challenge magazine put out some special Horror issues (46,54,65) that had some Traveller stories in them you could use.
#46-MEGATRAVELLER * Just Like Magic
#54-MEGATRAVELLER * To Sleep, Perchance to Scream
#65- MEGATRAVELLER * Deadly Artifact
I can't help but wonder what kind of dark and disturbing observances other Sophants have. And I'm sure there are a few planets of Humaniti who have some 'creepy' beliefs & observances from the early days of their planets colonization due to strange happenings and phenomena that would send shivers up & down the spine of any visitors.

And thanks to @The Pakkrat for once again giving us some insight into the Vargr culture.

Another bookmarked post and I think this would make a great addition to my TU.