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MT Only: Keepers of the Flame - MT Errata


Admin Award
I'm posing the question, "Who will the MT Errata torch pass to?" to get the ball rolling.

I bet there currently are no specific plans, people are just beginning to talk about how to fill the hole DonM's work leaves in the Traveller community. He is missed.

Will one person step forward or be appointed to take on all that Don was doing? Is it better to divide and conquer? Have we already lost some or all of his work?

I love MegaTraveller, even with all it's errata. For me it has the flavor and basic rules of CT with many improvements. As a math person, I enjoy the number crunching. I have no knowledge of Gurps Traveller, MgT, or T5. I say all this because I'm willing to take up the flame and coordinate the communities continual creation and tweaking of the MT rule set via the MT Errata.

What are your thoughts?
What are your thoughts?

On a broader issue, I'm just thinking to ensure someone has captured all of the stuff on his website.

In times like these, those things tend to just up and vanish with no warning.

And I admit, I have not taken the time to download everything myself.

But just curious if anyone else has.

is there any reason this can not all be converted over to the wiki?
The reality is that Don hasn’t done anything with the MT errata in the past several years. He was focused on other projects and MT was always at the bottom of his “to-do” list.

Specifically, nothing that was posted after post #393 (Oct ’09) ever made it into the errata.

I have been bundling up stuff, but I haven’t worked too hard on it (not wanting to step on toes). I would like to finish fixing MT. (I have all the current errata integrated into the Player’s Manual, The referee’s Manual, The Imperial Encyclopedia, The referee’s Companion, and I am currently working on COACC and NfC (Nautical force Command). [I know some of this looks weird, my keyboard is dying.]

I am ready to pick up the mission, but since I am not one of the cool kids, I don’t know to get past the Praetorian Guard to talk to Marc about it.