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T5 Errata Thread

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Page 227 Ortillery shot does as much damage as a grenade. Seems a little low for an orbital shot to cause so little damage. May as well use a cheaper, and probably more accurate, grenade.
Page 321 Skip Drive

Find: The skip drive consumes fuel equal to 1% of the hull
Change to:The skip drive consumes fuel equal to .1% of the hull
ref: See fuel use formula for Skip drive P339 Tons= P X H /1000.

Find: Performance. S-Drive performance is evaluated in Skips measured in tens of parsecs (Drive Potiental x100 =S).
Change to: Performance. S-Drive performance is evaluated in Skips measured in hundreds of parsecs (Drive Potiental x100 =S).
Can't remember whether we've already hit this one:

p.100, Flight School: the choices are "Pilot" and "Small Craft", but the latter is a sub-category, per p.142, of the former.
p.89, Naval Branch: The "Flight" choice has an undocumented asterisk; does it have something to do with whether the Officer attended Flight School?

Also, Branch is listed as a choice, so I'm uncertain of the purpose of "DM+2 if Edu 10+".
p. 358: The example of the Scout/Courier lists it as being a TL-10 ship and capable of Jump-2. However, the Tech Level Availability chart on p. 338 shows the minimum TL for Jump-2 as TL-11.

p. 336: The Hull Armor Layers table starts with layer 1, and has no tonnage cost associated with it. The Ship Fillform on p.250 lists a Layer0, which is not listed in the Hull Armor Layers table.

p.341: The rules may want to point readers to the "How Sensors Work" section on p. 379 for explanation of each of the sensor types. Similar signposts might be useful for other areas (i.e. "How Weapons Work", etc.)

p. 344: On table C, Life Support, the cost in both tons and MCr for "Luxury" life support is the same as "Standard" life support, and for the same number of people (10), but not any amount of days. Shouldn't Luxury Life Support be more expensive? Is this 'per stateroom'? Is this required to take a High Passenger? Can this substitute or add to Steward task checks?

p. 345: Clarification: Every 'mechanism' requires a Control Panel. A 'mechanism' is defined as "A mechanism is any of the drives, sensors, weapons, defenses, or installations that equip a ship." This last item, "installation" is vague. What constitutes an installation? Do landing pads require a control panel? (I'm thinking no, as this is part of the pilot console.) Does additional armor ("installed" on the ship) require a control panel ? (I'm thinking no.) If you install an Air/Raft, does that require a Control panel? (Assuming to mean the controls for the berth and airlock, but that might mean every airlock requires a Ship's Control Panel?) Do Fuel Purifiers and Scoops require a control panel? (I'm thinking yes? But do you need one for each?) Does the ship's computer require a control panel? (I'm thinking no, it's included. Plus, you'd have to assign it to a Console after you'd already calculated the consoles you needed.) Anyway, clarification is needed.

p. 350: If more than one Console is installed on a ship, esp. of different types, there is insufficient space to record this on the fillform.

p. 350: There is insufficient space on the fillform to detail various stateroom and other payload considerations separately.

p.350: There is no place to record Cargo space on the Fillform
Sophont Maker

Some issues I found in the chapter on Sophont creation:

p. 550 - Chart B. The Characteristic Values chart has the following text under it: "* IF the value is 4D 5D 6D 7D 8D, use a base value= 12 for the first 2D (that is, 6D = 12+4D)." However, none of the entries in the chart are maked with an Asterisk. The only possible entries that are above 3D are found in Str, so it seems likely this instruction should apply to them. However, the asterisk might be confusing. Recommend either removing the asterisk from the instructions or add an asterisk to each entry 4D and higher under Str.

p. 554 - Chart B. The "Star" column is included as part of the Vision sense for a sophont. However, it is not clearly indicated why this is so. Logically, the star type presented matches the band of energy next to it. (I.e. Type G2 stars correspond to the "RGB" vision band.) However, the rules specify you should roll for the band separately. (Top of the same page. "For each Sense: Roll the Constant. Roll the Elements.") If the homestar for a particular sophont is known, should one not use that as the basis for the vision band? Because homestar is often rolled before the rest of the sophont, is it possible for a sophont to have a different vision band than the star of their system? If so, why is the star column included? Clarification, please.

p. 549 & 555: Chart B on p. 549 lists a "Triphibian" as a possible locomotive type (on both charts B. It is contrasted with a "Flyphibian" in where Flyphibians fly and swim, Triphibians also walk.) However, on Chart A, p. 555, there is no Body Structure entry for Triphibians, though there is for Flyphibians.

p. 550: Text under Table A specifies: "If Flyer, DM -2. Flyers are more likely to have Agi, Sta, and Ins. If Swimmer or Diver, DM +2. Swimmers and Divers are more likely to have Gra, Vig, and Tra." However, the text does not mention another variable stat possible with this table, C6 (Caste, Charisma, Social). Should the DM apply to C6? Recommend either adding this to the example text, or specifying that C6 does not get a modifier for Flyers or Swimmer/Divers.

p. 555: Text next to Table B (Body Features) has the following text: "Armor. Natural armor (value = 2D)". However, the entry "Armor" does not appear anywhere on the Body Features table.
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VehicleMaker pages 284 and 285


The entries for Advanced, Early, Improved and Alternate all contain the following text:

The vehicle is powered by a Fusion Module.

I understand the intent here is to say that at average stellar tech levels vehicles are powered by Fusion+ but it is possible to create by applying these stage effects, vehicles that can be built with more or less advanced Fusion+ modules. But the actual tables allow creation of vehicle that couldn't and shouldn't have Fusion+ using stage effects.


Early Wheeled Ground Car TL5

According to the book my 1930's Roadster is powered by an early Fusion+ module not a big V8.

Fusion+ is TL11

TL11-4= TL7 Fusion+ is not available at TL7 or below.

I suggested that the quoted text is deleted or clarified to mean "the vehicle is powered by an Advanced/Early/Improved/Alternate power source or engine".

The text is also missing "Very Early"
This might seem slightly nit-picky but ... when listing out the earlier versions of Traveller rules (and in the font that has symbols for the different versions) there's no mention of Hero Traveller. I know it was short-lived but even so AFAIK it was an official licence.
Some issues I found in the chapter on Sophont creation:

p. 550: Text under Table A specifies: "If Flyer, DM -2. Flyers are more likely to have Agi, Sta, and Ins. If Swimmer or Diver, DM +2. Swimmers and Divers are more likely to have Gra, Vig, and Tra." However, the text does not mention another variable stat possible with this table, C6 (Caste, Charisma, Social). Should the DM apply to C6? Recommend either adding this to the example text, or specifying that C6 does not get a modifier for Flyers or Swimmer/Divers.

If you guys are going to start submitting errata and asking for notes that when something is NOT mentioned, it's intentionally not mentioned, the errata's going to be full of those kind of notes.

Can someone tell me if there's an expectation that C6 would be affected by Flying, Swimming or Diving?
Can someone tell me if there's an expectation that C6 would be affected by Flying, Swimming or Diving?

What strikes me when I read that table is that the notes seem to have unnecessary detail: if one applies a DM-2, then by the very structure of the table one's more likely to end up in Agi, Int, and Ins territory, and thus the further note is irrelevant, as it's only "reading" the table, which makes this a type of commentary not often used in tables elsewhere in the Monolith. I'd just say "If Flyer, DM -2. If Swimmer or Diver, DM +2." and stop.

I'd also change the first sentence to "For characteristics C1 through C5, roll Flux to determine each specific characteristic." I agree with you, Don, that there's no obvious reason for C6 to be affected, but the table as published does say it is.
If you guys are going to start submitting errata and asking for notes that when something is NOT mentioned, it's intentionally not mentioned, the errata's going to be full of those kind of notes.

Can someone tell me if there's an expectation that C6 would be affected by Flying, Swimming or Diving?

Well, it's confusing, at least to me, so I thought it needed clarification. On the one hand, the text under the table says that it SHOULD have a DM. "If Flyer, DM -2." That would include C6 as well. What follows is a rationale/explanation that MIGHT also be a limitation, but might not, too. "Flyers are more likely to have Agi, Sta, and Ins." No mention of C6. So, I think it's vague.

Personally, I see no reason why a social trait like C6 would be affected by locomotion, but perhaps there's reasons why others can share.
Personally, I see no reason why a social trait like C6 would be affected by locomotion, but perhaps there's reasons why others can share.

That why I asked. I probably should move all this to the errata discussion thread, but I'm tired, and I really was just going to post the updated errata doc.
P. 397 find: Option Magnetic constructs the device using Photonic
principles. The governing maintenance, diagnosis, and repair
skill is Magnetic.

Change to: Option Magnetic constructs the device using Magnetic
principles. The governing maintenance, diagnosis, and repair
skill is Magnetic.
Using BladeMaker weapons with Armor/Dress/Unit Str enhancement

BladeMaker p260

Clarification required

On the Blade Categories and Types table under D2, Pen and Blow are given as =C1

Does this mean Pen and Blow do Hits equal to a Characters Strength or do Dice of Hits equal to Str? Inclusion of Hit in the column header seems to indicate the former because this isn't present on other tables.

In this case the following arises:

Further Clarification is required

Using BladeMaker weapons with Armour's strength enhancements

Both Armor, Dress and Units get C1 x10 and Oversize x100 and Titan x1000. So a Marine with a Big Knife, a Great Big Knife or a Space Axe wearing Battledress and Str =12 could do 120 Pen every time.

This seems overpowered and illogical. first there is no variation in the power of Blow or penetration as there is with all other weapons. Second if the Marine with the Big Knife attacks a Hv. Tank (AV100) shouldn't the knife break on the hull rather than penetrate the armor and do 20 Hits of damage?

And if you don't think that's screwy, it also applies to fists claws and tentacles etc. :D
Rogue Benefit: Barony

Page 92. Muster out table. Benefits column. Result for 12 is "Barony". No such benefit is defined.
Page 286 - VehicleMaker - Vehicle Fittings "Controls" & "Communications":
Those fittings are not defined in the tables of the VehicleMaker.
Some of these options are on the tables of the ArmorMaker but without values, except for associated drawbacks.
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